Bloomhill Cancer Help is expanding its existing services into a new area of cancer care, focusing on survival and providing more support for clients after cancer treatment.
As part of the shift, Bloomhill has welcomed Jacinta Elks to the team in the newly created role Strategic Lead – Clinical, Education and Research.
The new integrated research based cancer care approach and Jacinta’s new role was created to better meet the needs of Bloomhill’s clients, providing them with an expanding range of services.
Bloomhill General Manager Mervat Quirke said Bloomhill is excited to have Jacinta onboard and her role will have a strong focus on collaborating with other existing cancer care services.
“Jacinta will be working towards aligning Bloomhill’s services to meet the needs of the local community, with a strategic focus on clinical care, education and research,” Mervat said.
With up to 67% of people diagnosed with cancer surviving (Cancer Australia), Bloomhill is in the process of making cancer survivorship care a primary focus for the organisation.
Jacinta said her role will create the opportunity for Bloomhill to create effective care models and look at managing fatigue and fear of reoccurrence for cancer survivors.
“Bloomhill Cancer Help will be the first on the Sunshine Coast to implement integrative cancer care that ties in hospital-based care with community-based care. We want to identify where the gaps are on the Sunshine Coast and offer those services and resources to the community.
“Bloomhill will form partnerships with both public and private cancer care providers and the University of the Sunshine Coast to give cancer survivors access to facilities and resources that allow them to live optimal healthy lives,” Jacinta said.
Jacinta has worked as a cancer nurse for 25 years and was the founding Clinical Oncology Nurse Consultant at the first chemotherapy unit at Nambour Hospital in 1992.
Jacinta’s career has seen her work across both public and private sectors of oncology nursing, including most recently as the Nurse Manager – Cancer Care Coordination at Nambour Hospital. She officially joins Bloomhill on September 15, 2014.
Mervat said that Jacinta’s appointment to Bloomhill would allow Bloomhill to continue to support the community with existing services and add new services that creates a holistic approach to cancer care.
Bloomhill Cancer Help is a Sunshine Coast based charity that provides support and assistance to those affected by cancer and their families. Operated by a team of dedicated professional staff and hundreds of volunteers, Bloomhill offers counselling, transport to appointments, respite care and a range of complementary therapies and other practical help.
With no ongoing government funding, Bloomhill relies on the generosity of the community and income from its Op-Shops and the Cotton Tree Market management to provide the funding required to continue providing its valuable services.
If you need the assistance of Bloomhill or would like to donate or volunteer you can call the Centre on 07 5445 5794 or for more information, visit