BF grant celebration recipients 2018 - photo by Ross Eason-web

Grants of up to $10,000 available to local community organisations thanks to Buderim Foundation

Buderim Foundation will soon be opening their 2019 Grants Programs for applications, with up to $10,000 each available to community organisations serving the local 4556 community.

Applications open on Monday 10th June, and eligible applicants will need to apply online before Sunday, 21st July. Successful applicants will be announced at the Foundation’s 2019 annual community grants celebration on Saturday afternoon, September 14th.

Whale One new look

Sunshine Sunshine Coast Whale Watching Season launched and iconic Whale One’s new look christened

The Whales are back and today heralds the official launch of the 2019 Whale Watching Season on the Sunshine Coast and the official christening of the new-look Whale One, which has just undergone a complete makeover.

This year will see an expected 33,000 humpback whales migrate through Sunshine Coast waters, which will attract about 25,000 locals and tourists alike to take a closer look and participate in a whale watching or swim with whales experience.

Sunreef Mooloolaba owner Dan Hart said in preparation for the season this year, the iconic Sunshine Coast whale watching vessel Whale One has undergone a complete makeover. Over the past few months, the 20-metre catamaran was striped back to bare metal, and completely refurbished.


Mighty 1st Birthday Celebration this Saturday at Sunshine Mitre 10 Bundaberg store

Sunshine Mitre 10 is celebrating its Mighty 1st Birthday this Saturday 1st June with a massive sale, the Triple M Street Patrollers, as well as free face painting and coffee van.

Sunshine Mitre 10 CEO Travis Cunnane said the celebration, from 10am to 1pm, was Sunshine Mitre 10’s way of saying thank you to the Bundaberg community for their support throughout the year.

“The Bundaberg store has gone from strength to strength and we have the community and our local trade customers to thank for that,” Mr Cunnane said.

“At Sunshine Mitre 10, we pride ourselves on getting involved in the 17 different local communities where we have stores supporting grassroots community and sporting groups and working with kids, and Bundaberg is no exception.”

Video from Grand Openning of Bundaberg Sunshine Mitre 10 Store

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The Wharf Mooloolaba Family Fun Day on again!

The Wharf Mooloolaba and SEA LIFE Sunshine Coast will host the second of their very popular Family Fun Day for 2019 on Sunday, the 2nd of June.
From 10am to 3pm on the Sunday, locals and visitors are invited to join in on any of the family-friendly activities available onsite including face painting, petting zoo, hands-on reptile display, jumping castle, and more – all absolutely free.

The Wharf Mooloolaba Managing Director Dirk Long said the Family Fun Days were a way for The Wharf & SEA LIFE to give back to the local community who have been supporting the precinct during the past two years of renovation and construction.

“So much has happened at The Wharf, and our Family Fun Days are a great opportunity for everyone to come down have some fun and check out the many exciting new activity, dining and retail businesses now calling the complex home,” Mr Long said.


Buderim Men’s Shed’s handmade mark of respect for ANZACs

When we gather to pay our respects this Anzac Day at Buderim, the speakers will now stand behind a beautiful handcrafted lectern thanks to a generous gift from the Buderim Men’s Shed.

Built by Buderim Men’s Shed member Mick Harman, the contribution of time and skill is the latest of Buderim’s tradition of a living memorial, where, rather than having a monument or statue, locals participate in acts of community service.

Mick spent more than eight full days making the lectern using materials funded by the Men’s Shed.

“It means an awful lot to me to offer this gift to the Buderim War Memorial Community Association,” said Mick, whose father and grandfather were both soldiers, while more recently his Godson served in Afghanistan.

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The Wharf Mooloolaba Fashion Precinct to celebrate!

Boutiques in The Wharf Mooloolaba’s Fashion Precinct are holding a Fashion Celebration featuring new season fashions which guests can browse, while enjoying champagne, yummy tasting plates and live music.

The Wharf Mooloolaba co-owner Dirk Long said the Fashion on the Wharf would showcase the great fashion, accessories and homewares available at the precinct’s four boutiques – Bedouin Traders, Gingers Boutique, Meraki Thread Co and Mikimi Resortwear.

Mikimi Resortwear owner Mikimi Grubic said in a world of fast- fashion, the boutiques at The Wharf were more focused on offering quality that was also more sustainable.

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New Greek restaurant to be latest draw card for The Wharf Mooloolaba

The latest brainchild of Sunshine Coast award-winning chef and restaurateur Tony Kelly, Spero Greek Street has thrown open its doors at The Wharf Mooloolaba.

The latest new eatery at what is once again the place to be on the Sunshine Coast, Spero will offer an authentic Greek dining experience.

Tony Kelly said the Urban dictionary defines Spero as an uncomfortably good-looking Greek muscle man, and while the name was created out of a sense of ironic humour, it certainly fits the restaurant which has been described as Rice Boi’s prettier sister (or brother as the case may be).

Get Fresh @ The Wharf's John and Kylee O'Brien and The Wharf's Dirk Long

New fresh food emporium the latest to open at The Wharf Mooloolaba

After a bumper summer school holidays, The Wharf Mooloolaba is celebrating the opening of its new fresh food emporium – Get Fresh @ The Wharf.

Get Fresh @ The Wharf is the first new retailer to open in 2019 at the beginning of Stage 3 of the revitalisation of the precinct and continues on from more than $10million invested throughout 2017 and 2018, which saw more than 15 new restaurants, cafes and boutiques open as the precinct was transformed to its fresh, new ‘Hamptons’ style.

Buderim Foundations vouchers for school students-crop

Buderim Foundation lends support to local families for school expenses

Buderim Foundation’s Keryn Bauer with Buderim Lions Club’s Garry Bates, Buderim Rotary president Lloyd Edwards and Mountain Creek State School chaplain Anthony Pulford with the vouchers for school students.

For the 15th year running, the Buderim Foundation is proud to again be a part of the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR) Back to School Program, helping local families who need assistance with school expenses like clothing, shoes and stationery by offering $50 Target vouchers.

Buderim Foundation Director Rebecca Ramsay said this year a total $11,000 worth of vouchers are being distributed to Mountain Creek State School, Chancellor State School Campuses, Buderim Mountain State School, and SunnyKids.

“The funds include an allocation from the FRRR of $7000 to the Buderim Foundation. A further donation was made by the Buderim Lions Club and the Buderim Rotary Club of $1,000 each which was then matched dollar-for-dollar by the FRRR.

“We are very grateful for the generous financial support of the local Lions and Rotary Clubs,” Rebecca said.

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The Wharf Mooloolaba Family Fun Day rescheduled after Oma interrupted

The Wharf Mooloolaba has rescheduled the first Family Fun Day of the year after Cyclone Oma interrupted plans for the original event.

The first of several highly anticipated Family Fun Days planned for the year will now be held at the popular open-air precinct on Sunday 10th of March.

From 10am to 3pm on the Sunday, locals and visitors are invited to join in on any of the family-friendly activities available onsite including face painting, petting zoo, jumping castle, large Jenga challenge and Connect Four games to play, and more – all absolutely free.

The Wharf Mooloolaba Managing Director Dirk Long said it would be the first Family Fun Day since the second stage of The Wharf Mooloolaba’s $10 million refurbishment was completed late last year.

“So much has happened at The Wharf since our last Family Fun Day with many exciting new activity, dining and retail businesses now calling the complex home,” Mr Long said.

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