
Bindi Irwin to inspire at special Buderim Foundation breakfast

The Buderim Foundation is very proud to be hosting an inspiring breakfast with internationally renowned wildlife conservationist and Sunshine Coast local Bindi Irwin.

bindi-irwin-australiazooContinuing its focus on establishing a Youth Sub Fund to support youth-focused programs and events, everyone is really excited to have Bindi Irwin presenting at a special breakfast at Buderim Tavern on Friday 25th November.


Fantastic 2016 Swim with Whales Season on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast

The Swim with Humpback Whales season for Australia’s first operator to introduce the experience, Sunreef Mooloolaba, has been the best yet.

The 2016 season is Sunreef Mooloolaba’s third and what a season it was! Sunreef owner Dan Hart said the season was definitely our best yet with more than 2000 guests, many more whales and more breathtaking in-water encounters.


Are you ready for Storm Season

In Queensland, it is that time of year and everyone is being urged to ensure they are ready for what is predicted to be a dangerous storm season.

When storms hit, flash flooding is a real danger, and something we need to protect against. One every effective way is to build sandbag walls around buildings and assets  and its not as hard as you think.

We produced this simple How-To video for the Queensland SES – its a great one to watch and even bookmark for future use.


Glorious Day for Sunnykids 4xFUN

Reflected Image PRoductions and our clients Sunreef Mooloolaba were proud to once again be a part of the Sunnykids 4xFun event on Saturday.


Generation Innovation announces 2016 winner

Congratulations to Aaron Ehrlich who has taken out the Generation Innovation 2016 People’s Choice Award.

Now finishing its second annual GI Challenge, Generation Innovation took the Sunshine Coast by storm last year encouraging young people to convert their passions and ideas into a commercial reality.


Sunreef Mooloolaba’s 2016 Swim with Humpback season looking like best yet

Just one month into the 2016 Swim with Humpback Whales season and already it’s looking like it will be the best yet for Sunreef Mooloolaba who offer Australia’s first Swim with Whales Experience.

“So far this season, we have had more successful swims with the whales than ever before – it seems there are more whales and calves around for this time of the season – and they seem more curious as well,” Sunreef’s Dan Hart said.


Sunreef Mooloolaba to host second “Free HMAS Brisbane Dive Extravaganza”

Celebrating the ex-HMAS Brisbane 11th anniversary

Sunreef Mooloolaba is doing it again – following the success of last year’s ex-HMAS Brisbane anniversary, they are doing it again.  To celebrate the 11th anniversary of the scuttling of what has become Australia’s best military shipwreck, scuba divers will dive for FREE.

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Sanctuary to come alive with Concert Performance

Buderim’s beautiful Foote Sanctuary will come alive with a mix of pop, folk, classical and choir music for a special concert on Sunday 31st July.

Foote sanct 004The concert will be the second of the Sanctuary’s regular series of outdoor concerts staged in its unique sound shell.
As well as a program of pop, folk, classical and choir music there will be an offering of a sausage sizzle, a range of food and drink, Garden Club plant stall and others selling artefacts and hobby ware.

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