
Sunreef Mooloolaba officially welcomes the whales for bumper 2016 season

Sunreef Mooloolaba will officially welcome the Humpback Whales with a Whale Welcome Party this Friday at Sunreef’s new home at The Wharf Mooloolaba. Sunreef operate Australia’s first Swim with Humpback Whales Experiences and this year’s season which started on Friday 8th July is already off to a great start.


Weepa screens are a functional design ensuring buildings can breathe while being protected

When designing great buildings, every small detail is important – all contribute to the overall aesthetics and the way a building functions.

One small detail that is often overlooked, however, is the weep holes in brick and block constructed buildings.  They are vital in terms of building ventilation, but they also act as an entry point to the building for pests and even fire embers.

Buderim FoundationGood News Night 2015Grant recipients

Grant applications sought as Buderim Foundation’s 2016 program gets underway

Buderim Foundation Good News Night 2015 Grant recipients

The Buderim Foundation’s 2016 Community Grants Program gets underway on Friday June 24. Now in its ninth consecutive year, eligible community groups benefitting the Buderim community are encouraged to apply for grants up to $10,000.

Lisa Edward, Chair of the Foundation’s Grants Committee said that this year, successful grant applicants were likely to share a total grant pool of approximately $60,000.


Are you setting yourself up for a coffee fail?

Jeremy Hyra, The Bean Bag-webWhile more and more Australians are enjoying coffee in cafes, at home and work most of us are setting ourselves up for a coffee fail.

More than 75% of the coffee consumed in Australia is instant* and the bulk of the balance of it is mass roasted coffee which is often well past its prime consumption period before it is even purchased.

But The Bean Bag, a new coffee subscription service wants to change all that – delivering monthly or fortnightly parcels of fresh roasted artisan coffee direct to your door.


Hungry Feel Special presents Regional Harvest Menu to boost and promote South East Queensland Producers

Award-winning chef Chris White will be showcasing and celebrating the incredible produce and food produced in South East Queensland with special Regional Harvest Lunches at his Buderim restaurant Hungry Feel Eating House throughout June.

article-43478-heroHungry Feel Eating House, established 15 years ago, prides itself on using and showcasing local food and are members of the Food Agribusiness Network – which helps connect producers with local businesses on the Sunshine Coast.


Sunreef Mooloolaba to celebrate new home at the Wharf Mooloolaba

Sunreef Mooloolaba will officially open their new dive centre at its new home at The Wharf Mooloolaba where it will cater for a growing demand for its water-based activities including Australia’s First Swim with Humpback Whales experience.


ANZAC Day on Buderim

Eric Foote. No 13991 - CopyThe Commemoration on Monday April 25 begins with the Dawn Service commencing at 5.15am on the eastern escarpment of Buderim Village Park.  The Service will be lead by Wing Commander Ken Webb CSM (Retd) and the speaker will be Major Jim Campbell DFC (Retd).



Humpback Whales feeding ready for trip to Queensland

AS the humpback whales are feeding up in the Antarctic ready for their migration to a warmer climate for winter, Sunreef Mooloolaba are preparing for their third Swim with Whales season on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast.

Sunreef Mooloolaba’s Dan Hart said the whales are currently feeding, eating in excess of one tonne of krill and small fish a day, increasing their blubber reserves, which they will live off throughout their migration north, not eating apart from the occasional opportune feed until they return home.

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