Eight Great New Ideas for the Coast

Generation Innovation has kicked off its GI Challenge for youth entrepreneurship and eight new business ideas are now awaiting feedback from the Sunshine Coast community.

gi-logo-black-web“The GI Challenge is off to a terrific start,” said Generation Innovation Founder and Chairman Ted O’Brien.

“We have eight teams of budding young entrepreneurs out in the marketplace testing new business ideas they have formulated.

Sustainable Partnerships Australia hosts Sunshine Coast Youth Summit

Sustainable Partnerships Australia (SPA) will bring young people of the Sunshine Coast together for the Annual Youth Summit at the University of the Sunshine Coast on March 10 & 11.

sp-main-logo-rgb-v2The Sunshine Coast Youth Summit is an annual event organised to inspire and empower Sunshine Coast young people aged 15 to 25 years to discuss and develop solutions to issues / topics identified as important within their local community.


First Generation Innovation workshop to set up young entrepreneurs for success

Generation Innovation will kick off the GI Challenge program tomorrow, 14th March, with young entrepreneurs to gather to brainstorm ideas and start designing business concepts.

gi-groupThe workshop, from 9am to 3pm, will be held at the Sunshine Coast Airport International Arrivals lounge.

Generation Innovation Founder and Chairman Ted O’Brien said after more than a year in development it was very exciting to see the young entrepreneurs coming together for the first time.

Sunreef to submerge and switch off to spread Earth Hour energy conservation message

SUNREEF Mooloolaba will be running a very special Earth Hour Submerged Dive on the ex-HMAS Brisbane to celebrate Earth hour on March 28, 2015.

divers-dropping-in-hmas-brisbane-webIn support of Earth Hour and for the first time, Earth Hour Submerged will see a collective of Dive Shops offer special night dives around the country to highlight the importance of global warming, and get people thinking about what they can do to help.

Safeguard your Mome from Bushfire Embers & Pests

With the Bendigo region in the midst of fire season, residents are reminded that weep holes in brick homes pose a risk, offering an open door for bushfire embers and pests to enter.

bushfire-webWeepa Technical Officer, Mitch Flint said while most residents know fire prevention is vital, some are not aware of all the risks.

Sunreef Mooloolaba gets set for 2015 Swimming with Whales Season

As the humpback whales in the Antarctic are feeding and increasing their blubber stores ready for their annual migration up the Australian east coast, the Sunreef Mooloolaba crew are also gearing up for another Swim with Whales season on Queensland’s beautiful Sunshine Coast.

Oncology Workshops create awareness of cancer treatment options on Sunshine Coast

Sunshine Coast Haematology and Oncology Clinic (SCHOC) will host a presentation for Sunshine Coast GPs tonight (Thursday 19th February) at their new day hospital in Buderim with a focus on new developments in the management of Metastatic Colorectal Cancer and the treatment of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL).

schoc-logo-montserrat-ho-high-resSCHOC Clinical Haematologist, Dr. Sorab Shavaksha (MBChB, FRACP, FRCPA) and SCHOC Medical Oncologist, Dr. Hong Shue (MBBS (Monash), FRACP) who both practice at SCHOC will host the evening with canapés and drinks for guests from 6.30pm.

Youth Service Organisations embrace the Generation Innovation Challenge

Youth service organisations across the Sunshine Coast are embracing Generation Innovation and the GI Challenge, which offers young people the chance to turn their business dreams into a reality.

gi-groupWith the issue of youth unemployment high on the public agenda, youth service organisations are coming together in support of Generation Innovation’s GI Challenge – a program that encourages entrepreneurship for 15 to 25-year-old Sunshine Coast locals.

Generation Innovation launches first challenge for young entrepreneurs

New not-for-profit organisation, Generation Innovation LTD is today launching the GI Challenge to uncover the next generation of young business gurus on the Sunshine Coast.

gi-logo-black-webYoung people who have what it takes to start their own business are encouraged to contest the inaugural GI Challenge where applicants will receive training and guidance from business mentors and the best of them will receive seed capital to get start-up ventures off the ground.

Ball Park Music set to take to the stage on the Sunshine Coast

Ball Park Music is gearing up to headline at Hold Fast Entertainments first event on February 21 at the Lake Kawana Community Centre.

Hold FastWith a quirky look and energetic sound, indie rock fans are sure to be drawn in by the Ball Park Music performance.

Hold Fast Entertainment event coordinator, Jade Frieser said ticket sales to the event are going well and is encouraging locals to get their tickets now before they miss out.

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