Local film screening raises funds for Sustainable Partnerships Australia’s Young Womens Initiative

Sustainable Partnerships Australia (SPA) is teaming up with Sunshine Coast filmmakers for a debut charity screening of independent feature film on Wednesday 27 August.

sp-main-logo-rgb-v2Local filmmakers Terrance Young and Ashlee Jensen are launching their film, 500 Miles, to Sunshine Coast residents and are generously donating 60% of proceeds from ticket sales to Sustainable Partnerships Australia’s Young Women Initiative.

Sustainable Partnerships Australia presents Homegrown Festival this weekend

Sustainable Partnership Australia (SPA) will host the Homegrown Music Festival at Kings Beach this Saturday 19th July.

sp-main-logo-rgb-v2Homegrown is an alternative music festival designed to give local musicians a platform to perform and express themselves to a local audience. The event has been made possible through online crowd funding.

Quality Lifestyle Alliance celebrates Staff Achievements

Quality Lifestyle Alliance (QLA) will celebrate the graduation of eight staff with a Certificate IV in Disabilities at a special lunch at Yabbi’s Restaurant, Cotton Tree on Thursday 17th July.

quality_lifestyle_alliance-webQLA, a Sunshine Coast charity providing in-home support for people with disabilities for over two decades, is proud to acknowledge the achievement of the graduates who have been juggling work and study over the past twelve months.

Asset Agents leads real estate industry in new direction

Innovative real estate group, Asset Agents, are selling homes twice as fast as the Queensland average and its all thanks to the perfect mix of experience and a new approach, according to Managing Director and Principal Byron Miller.

asset-agents-logo-2012According to RP Data, in the last 12 months residential properties spent on average 96 days on the market*, compared to just over half that with Asset Agents – 50 days.

Mr Miller said Asset Agents was very proud of this record.

Bloomhill Cancer Help holds Life After Cancer seminar

Bloomhill Cancer Help will host a seminar that looks at different aspects and issues that arise after a person has been through cancer on Monday 28th, July.

bloomhill-colour-logoThe seminar, Moving Forward: Life after cancer will tackle topics such as what does being a cancer survivor mean, Fear of recurrence, memory problems and chemo brain, intimacy and sexuality, returning to work and taking care of your health.

Real Food Festival unveils program at Urbane

The Sunshine Coast Real Food Festival is set to launch the biggest festival yet and officially launch the 2014 program on Wednesday, 2nd July at Urbane Restaurant, Brisbane.

baguette2-c2013 Australian Gourmet Traveller Best New Talent Winner & 2013 QLD GFG Chef of the Year Winner, Alejandro Cancino hosted the launch of The Real Food Festival, which will once again bring together the best Sunshine Coast food products and services from paddock to plate, in Maleny on 13 & 14 September 2014.

Bloomhill Cancer Help set to open new Op-Shop at Brightwater

Bloomhill Cancer Help is getting set for the grand opening of the doors to it’s new opportunity shop in Bright Water on Saturday 5th July.

bloomhill-colour-logoThe Brightwater Op-shop is the eighth op-shop on the Sunshine Coast for Bloomhill and the opening will be held from 9.00am to 1.00pm.

Celebrity breakfast attracts award-winning keynote

‘Google’ Amanda Gore and you will quickly realise how lucky the Buderim Foundation is to have secured her as this year’s celebrity guest at the annual breakfast on Wednesday 16 July, 7am at the Buderim Tavern.

International keynote, Ms Gore, maintains that most of us know what we want to do… we just don’t do it!

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