Bloomhill Cancer Help hosts Prostate Recovery book launch


Leading Australian Sports Physiotherapist, Craig Allingham will launch his new book “Prostate Recovery MAP – Men’s Action Plan” at Bloomhill Cancer Help in Buderim on Thursday, 7th November. 

Mr Allingham will host a morning discussion focusing on recovery from prostate cancer and the physical and emotional aspects of men’s lives, touching on subjects including physical recovery and mental resilience.

Craig said the loss of his father to prostate cancer prompted him to investigate men’s health from a physiotherapist viewpoint.

“Through my experience with my dad, I found that men with prostate cancer had limited access to help with rehabilitation and I changed the emphasis of the research on illness to performance,” Craig said.

Bloomhill Cancer Help General Manager Mervat Quirke said the presentation and launch of Allan’s book served as a timely reminder with the month of November aimed at highlighting men’s health issues including cancer and mental wellbeing.

“Men and women are invited to attend the book launch as Allan’s presentation also provides an insight into a women’s role as a carer or partner,” Mervat said.

The book launch and presentation will take place at Bloomhill Cancer Help Centre, 58 Ballinger Rd, Buderim at 9.30am for a prompt 10am start. Tickets are $5 per person and can be purchased by calling Bloomhill on 07 5445 5794 or alternatively by dropping into the Bloomhill Cancer Help centre.

“Funds from the ticket sales ensure Bloomhill can continue to provide support and assistance to more than 900 cancer patients on the Sunshine Coast,” Mervat said.

Bloomhill Cancer Help is a Sunshine Coast based charity that provides support and assistance to those affected by cancer. Operated by a team of dedicated professional staff and hundreds of volunteers, Bloomhill offers counselling, transport to appointments, respite care and a range of complementary therapies and other practical help.

With no ongoing government funding, the charity relies on donations and fundraising to continue providing its valuable services.

Sunshine Coast Personalities encourage locals to Make the Most of the Moment

Celebrity chef, Matt Golinski and singer songwriter Kelsie Rimmer are the latest Sunshine Coast identities to join the movement to inspire locals to Make the Most of the Moment on the Sunshine Coast.

The campaign, by Sunshine Coast Destination Limited and Tourism Events Queensland, promotes the Sunshine Coast as the first destination in the world to encourage people to be “smarter with their smart phones” so they don’t miss experiencing what’s around them.

As a chef and amateur runner, Matt said his regular Noosa National Park runs are a strictly “technology free zone”.

“It’s about being in the moment and appreciating whatever you are experiencing, here and now and without distractions,” Matt said.

“When I’m running I like to tune into the smells, sights and sounds around me including the surf, the birds and the wind in the trees as well as the rhythm of my steps and breathing.”

Matt and Kelsie are encouraging locals to jump online and complete a fun tongue-in- cheek quiz that assesses their smart-phone use and then take up the ‘Make the Most of the Moment’ challenge.

It came as no surprise to singing sensation, Kelsie that after completing the quiz she was identified as a smart-phone ‘Addict’ and maybe in need of some serious digital detox.

“Facebook! I constantly find myself scrolling through a multitude of trivial, uninteresting (and often food related) status updates with no memory of how I got there, what I’m doing or why… Facebook is holding me hostage and my smart phone is the culprit,” Kelsie said.

Once people have completed the quiz they can then enter the ‘Make the Most of the Moment’ challenge, which asks entrants to upload a photo just after they have experienced their Sunshine Coast Moment.

Entrants in the photo competition go into the draw to win $10,000 worth of great prizes which include a package at Spicers Tamarind Retreat, accommodation at Mantra Mooloolaba, passes to the Sunshine Coast’s great attractions including the Ginger Factory, Underwater World, Aussie World and the Big Kart Track, day passes on the Noosa Ferry and more.


here will also be spot prizes awarded for great entries, with everyone also eligible to win the major prizes.

For Matt Golinski, his ‘unplugged’ time forms an important part of his day, providing time to keep fit, relax and experience nature.

Matt said it provides him with the chance to say hello to fellow walkers and runners and appreciate the beautiful local surrounds.

Kelsie said she will do her best to resist the tempting calls of Facebook and will try and have at least one day a week where she cuts out all social media and simply focus on being creative.

“I think it’s time we all took the steps to stop relying so greatly on our smart phones, and really enjoy all the amazing things the Sunshine Coast has to offer,” Kelsie said.

To get involved jump online to to take the quiz and then visit to take the Make the Most of the Moment Challenge for your chance to win. You can also find out more at

Sunshine Coast locals encouraged to Make the Most of the Moment

Sunshine Coast locals are being encouraged to take time to “Make the Most of the Moment” and remember why they love the region, as part of a new tourism campaign.

The campaign, by Sunshine Coast Destination Limited and Tourism Events Queensland, promotes the Sunshine Coast as the first destination in the world to encourage people to be “smarter with their smart phones” so they don’t miss experiencing what’s around them.

But this campaign isn’t just about encouraging tourists to visit the region, its also about reminding those who are lucky enough to live here, why they love it and to make the most of every opportunity to experience it.

And there will be rewards, with everyone who enters the Make the Most of the Moment challenge eligible to win great Sunshine Coast experiences, with total prizes worth more than $10,000.

Already high-profile locals are getting involved, becoming Smartphone Smarts ambassadors, making the most of the moment on the Sunshine Coast, and encouraging others to do the same.

Coast Ironman Matt Poole and artist Raelean Hall are launching the campaign and asking people to think about whether their bad smartphone habits are interfering with their leisure time with family or friends. And more and more well-known Sunshine Coasters will be joining them every day.

As part of the campaign a list of seven Smarter Smartphone behaviours have been developed:

1. Avoid being a search-it-all

Make the most of the moment and seek out your own special corner of the coast.

2. Elbows and phones off the table

Make the most of the moment with great food and company.

3. Kiss your phone goodnight

Make the most of your night with a restful night’s sleep or some romance.

4. Look before you snap

Make the most of the moment and take in this truly breathtaking place.

5. Take a phone-free day

Make the most of the moment and experience nature without distractions.

6. Talk now, text later

Make the most of the moment and enjoy this precious time together.

7. Taste before you upload

Make the most of the moment and savour every mouthful.


Matt Poole said he was stoked to be involved with the campaign and could definitely identify with it.

“The behaviours are reminders for people, like me who might be a little too attached to their smartphones.

“My mates are always telling me to stop texting and using my phone when we are out together so that’s something I am going to work on.”

For Raelean Hall, painting on location is about capturing the moment, of being aware of and responding to our surroundings.

“I love to see people taking in and experiencing what’s around them and that is something I’ve recently incorporated into my art, getting people involved in what I am creating, encouraging them to pick up a brush or a palette knife,   adding their touch to the work.”

Because the campaign is all about finding the right balance between smartphones making people’s lives easier and not interfering during precious time with family and friends, there is a fun online quiz people can take to examine their own smartphone use and then share their results on social media.

“But we want people to go further,” Raelean said. “We want them to go out and rediscover their favourite moment on the Sunshine Coast and then post a photo to the competition on the Sunshine Coast QLD Facebook page.”

Matt said the judges would be looking for photos that show people have already enjoyed their moment.

“Like almost half of all Australians, we don’t want to see photos of meals before they eat them – we would much rather see friends sitting around a table with the remnants of a great meal everyone has already enjoyed so be creative!”

Once people have entered the competition, they will join Matt and Raelean as Smartphone Smarts Ambassadors and also go into the draw to win some of the $10,000 worth of great Sunshine Coast Moments prizes which include a Spicers Tamarind Retreat, accommodation at Mantra Mooloolaba, passes to the Sunshine Coast’s great attractions including the Ginger Factory, Underwater World, Aussie World and the Big Kart Track, day passes on the Noosa Ferry and more.

There will be spot prizes awarded for great entries, with everyone also eligible to win the major prizes.

To get involved jump online to to take the quiz and then visit to take the Make the Most of the Moment Challenge for your chance to win. You can also find out more at

Bloomhill’s blooms open for public viewing at Festival

Buderim-based charity, Bloomhill Cancer Help, has been selected as one of only seven open gardens to be showcased at this year’s Spring Garden Festival.

The festival, organised by the Buderim Garden Club, will take place from Saturday, 19th to Sunday, 20th October from 9am to 4pm and aims to highlight Buderim as the Sunshine Coast’s garden suburb.

Bloomhill’s General Manager, Mervat Thompson said the charity was honoured to have been chosen and it was a reflection of the hard work by the volunteer gardening and maintenance team.

“The Bloomhill property sits on ten (10) acres of lush forest land and manicured gardens, and it’s the perfect place for our clients to come, relax and take a break from their hectic lives,” Ms Thompson said.

Bloomhill is a long-standing charity, offering support and assistance since 1997 to those living with cancer and their families throughout the Sunshine Coast.

Operated by a team of dedicated staff and hundreds of volunteers, Bloomhill offers counselling, transport to appointments, respite care and a range of complementary therapies and other practical help.

To cater for its growing number of clients and to give more people access to its amazing services and support, Bloomhill built an extension to its existing therapy centre that included five new therapy rooms, state-of-the-art kitchen, additional office space and a beautiful, big recreation room.  Since the opening of the new therapy centre in June 2012, Bloomhill’s client base has risen to well over 900 current clients.

“We will be opening our Therapy Centre to the public for organised tours during the weekend of the festival,” Ms Thompson said.

The Spring Garden Festival includes competitions and a Flower Show at the Buderim War Memorial Hall and Garden Sculpture Exhibition at Buderim Craft Cottage.  Tickets are $15 per person and include a two-day pass to all seven gardens, incorporating the garden walk, and Flower Show.

For more information about the Bloomhill visit or the Festival, please visit

Pink Hat for Bloomhill Brunch

Buderim-based charity Bloomhill Cancer Help will host a Pink Hat Brunch on Monday 28th October at the Bloomhill Cancer Help Centre to raise funds to support locals affected by cancer.

Hosted by Bloomhill Patron, Raelene Boyle, The Pink Hat themed brunch is being held in celebration of October, which is globally renowned for the recognition of all women’s cancers.

The Brunch will kick off at 10am and include prizes for the best Pink hat, a raffle and a short presentation from leading dietician Leanne Levin.

Bloomhill Cancer Help General Manager, Mervat Thompson said everyone at Bloomhill was looking forward to the event and knew of many clients who had started decorating their hats.

“We welcome everyone to get involved with the themed hat competition and come along for a fun morning to support Bloomhill,” Mervat said.

Tickets to the brunch are $20 per person or for Bloomhill clients $15 per person. Tickets can be purchased by calling Bloomhill on 07 5445 5794 or alternatively by dropping into the Bloomhill Cancer Help centre, 58 Ballinger Rd, Buderim.

“Funds raised from the Pink Hat Brunch ensure Bloomhill can continue to provide support and assistance to more than 900 cancer patients on the Sunshine Coast,” Mervat said.

Bloomhill Cancer Help is a Sunshine Coast based charity that provides support and assistance to those affected by cancer. Operated by a team of dedicated professional staff and hundreds of volunteers, Bloomhill offers counselling, transport to appointments, respite care and a range of complementary therapies and other practical help.

With no ongoing government funding, the charity relies on donations and fundraising events such as the Bloomhill Race Day to continue providing its valuable services.

Australian crochet designer in strong international demand

Australia’s Crochet Queen, Jenny King’s international popularity continues to skyrocket with the upcoming launch of two new books – “Figure Flattering Plus Size Fashions” and “Eighteen Inch Doll Clothes”.

In addition to launching the two new books with craft publishing giant, Annies, in just the last few months she has been on two teaching tours in the US and has been featured in four international publications, not to mention publishing two other new books.

Jenny’s designs have also been included in Vogue Knitting’s annual Crochet issue, for the second year in a row.  Her designs have also been featured in Crochet!, Crochet 1.2.3, and Interweave Crochet.  She also has a design in the Australia’s Family Circle July issue.  Her new books include Fashions to Flaunt Crocheted with Noro Yarns and Barvarian Crochet On To Go, both published by International craft powerhouse, Anne’s.

Jenny, said she has been excited and honoured by all the attention.

“I have loved crochet since I started stitching as a child and its great to see that crochet is finally gaining the recognition and popularity it deserves.

“Crochet offers you such great versatility it means as a designer there aren’t any limits to what I can create.”

“This latest book was all about offering some great fashionable crochet designs for women with a larger figure.”

Jenny said it was a dream for her to have her designs featured in Vogue and now she has had two designs featured in as many years, as well as all the other great magazines.

“Each time we get confirmation the designs are going to be featured in the magazine, we get so excited!” Jenny said.

On Jenny’s first teaching trip she was a guest at The National Needle Arts Association (TNNA) of America in Columbus, Ohio and delivered some new designs to Annie’s head office in Texas for a new book due out in November.

The second trip included Jenny being guest speaker at the Crochet Guild of America’s Summer Conference, teaching seven classes over four days.

While in the US she also did some filming for Annie’s for a new video tutorial on Bavarian Crochet.

It is now also available through Jenny’s website –

“The new video and the books have come together so well and were the result of popular demand by customers.”

Jenny, who has been crocheting since being taught two simple stitches when she was just eight, has been passing on her love of crochet since the 1990s and is the author of more than 15 crochet books and countless patterns that cover everything from intricate beaded bags and jewellery to swimwear.

Jenny has taught crochet around Australia and internationally including the US and offers a range of classes from her Sunshine Coast shop, JK Designs.

“Crochet is a rapidly growing trend and continues to increase in popularity as more and more crochet fashions appear on cat walks around the world,” Jenny said.

“I believe, that this, in part, has revived the lost art of crochet and prompted people to want to learn the craft themselves,” Jenny said.


Queensland Health Minister visits Bloomhill

QUEENSLAND Health Minister Lawrence Springborg will visit Bloomhill Cancer Help tomorrow.

The first visit to the centre by a Queensland Minister since the opening of the extension last year, will provide Mr Springborg with the opportunity to inspect all the new facilities and learn more about the unique services Bloomhill offers to people with cancer and their families throughout the Sunshine Coast.

Mr Springborg will have morning tea with staff and then tour the complex including the new kitchen, the five new counselling and treatment rooms as well as the group function room.

Bloomhill President Michael Hurley said the centre’s staff and volunteers were eagerly awaiting the opportunity to meet the Minister.

“The services that Bloomhill offers to more than 900 clients throughout the Sunshine Coast are unique so we are keen to showcase them to the Queensland Government,” he said.

Bloomhill received a $500,000 Commonwealth grant towards the cost of the extensions to the centre but otherwise receives no on-going government support, relying on income generated from its network of Op Shops, the Cotton Tree Markets and donations.

“We aim to alleviate some of the challenges our clients face by providing practical and emotional support for them and their families throughout their cancer journey,” Mr Hurley said.

Bloomhill Cancer Help is a Sunshine Coast based charity that provides support and assistance to those affected by cancer. Operated by a team of dedicated professional staff and hundreds of volunteers, Bloomhill offers counselling, transport to appointments, respite care and a range of complementary therapies and other practical help.



The Buderim Foundation Community Grants Program has awarded eight community organisations with grants totaling $16,905, at its annual Good News Night on Friday, 20 September at the Buderim War Memorial Hall.

With this year’s grants, the Buderim Foundation has distributed more than $100,000 to local community organisations since 2008, with five new organisations receiving grants this year including the Buderim Scout Group who received a record amount of more than $6,000.

The successful first round applicants of the 2013 Grants Program are Buderim Historical Society Inc. receiving $1,057 for weather blinds for Pioneer Cottage; Buderim Scout Group receiving $6,160 towards a new kitchen to benefit the 100 children that use the hall each week; Music Broadcasting Society of Queensland receiving $4,000 to provide access to a 24 hour, 7 day nostalgia radio station to improve the health and well-being of residents living in the RSL care Tantula aged care home; Oriana Arts Inc. receiving $1000 towards the purchase of “100 Carols for Choirs” choir books, which will broaden Oriana’s available repertoire for community concerts; Team Adem receiving $1,478 for a marquee which will be used to raise community awareness of the importance of blood donations.

Funding has also been awarded to Headland Buderim Croquet Club receiving $730 for a “backlapper” machine; P&C Buderim Mountain State Primary School receiving $2,080 for the purchase of an online reading program for the prep cohort to enhance students learning experience; and St Marks Anglican Church, Buderim receiving $400 for an awareness raising project of Buderim’s indigenous history.


Chair of the Buderim Foundation, Professor Paul Clark said he was delighted to present the grants to such commendable organisations committed to benefiting the Buderim community.

“Thanks to the support and generous contributions of local businesses and residents, the Buderim Foundation has been able to continue providing more funding for grants to quality local community projects,” Prof Clark said.

“Grants are offered to not-for-profit organisations in the Buderim community, or not-for-profit Sunshine Coast community organisations that are able to provide services to the Buderim community,” Prof Clark said.

The Foundation is a philanthropic, not-for-profit organisation, which aims to generate income from donations and bequests from community members and provide grants for community projects now and into the future. Round two of the community grants program will be announced later in the year.

For more information on the Buderim Foundation or the 2013 grants program, please visit,

Annual race day to raise vital funds for local charity

Bloomhill Cancer Help’s 11th Annual Race Day to be held this Sunday, 15 September is expected to raise record funds for the local charity.

The event will see Corbould Park come to life once again with fashion, fun and a full race schedule, for a day that has become a key part of Bloomhill’s fundraising efforts.

Bloomhill’s Race Day Coordinator, Gail Lamb said the day would provide a great opportunity for people to come together with friends, celebrate spring and support a worthy cause.

“There will be plenty of fantastic prizes to be won in the raffle and lucky door,” Gail said.

“We are so grateful for generosity we have received from our Race Day Sponsors. They always play a major part in making this day a success,” Gail said.

The 2013 Bloomhill Race Day sponsors include Cricks Sunshine Coast, Bob Jane T Mart Maroochydore, All Computer Services and Pam Pugsley 50th Birthday.

The Race Day schedule begins at 12pm in the Favourites Room and freshly renovated Champagne Gardens. Guests will enjoy a delicious luncheon before the announcement of the Best-Dressed competition, memorabilia auction and more.

Bloomhill Cancer Help is a Sunshine Coast based charity that offers support to those affected by cancer and their families. Operated by a dedicated team of staff and hundreds of volunteers, Bloomhill provides a range of services and complimentary therapies, transport to appointments, massage and counselling.

With no ongoing government funding, the charity relies on donations and fundraising events such as the Bloomhill Race Day to continue providing its valuable services.

For more information or to donate to Bloomhill Cancer help, visit their website

Sunshine Coast food producers receive boost from Real Food Festival

More than 8000 people took advantage of the perfect weather and turned out for the Real Food Festival this weekend.

Now in its third year, the Festival has grown to be one of the Sunshine Coast’s premiere festivals and a great showcase of the spectacular produce and food manufactured throughout the region.

Festival Director Julie Shelton said the two-day festival was a celebration of the Sunshine Coast real food community, bringing together the best local produce and food services from paddock to plate.

The festival was host to more than 110 local exhibits, cooking demonstrations and activities for all ages including workshops, ‘how to’ sessions and some light hearted rivalry between local celebrities.

“We had more than 8000 people through the gates this year which is consistent with last year, but given the election and other events that were on this weekend we are very happy with that,” Julie said.

Julie said the Festival was of major economic benefit to the region.

“Not only does it bring people from the Coast up to the Hinterland but also visitors from throughout South East Queensland as well as further afield. I was talking to one couple who came from New Zealand and timed their holiday so they could visit the festival,” she said.

“Just looking at the ATMs that we had onsite as an economic indicator, there was more than $72,000 withdrawn over the two days this year, compared with $58,000 last year.”

“The feedback we have had from exhibitors so far is overwhelmingly very positive, with strong sales.

“We had lots of great comments from visitors and exhibitors alike about the fantastic relaxed atmosphere throughout the Festival with everyone enjoying the huge variety of good quality food and the great afternoon entertainment, which was new to this year’s festival.”

Julie said one of the highlights from Saturday was the Mayor and Minister cook-off where a large crowd gathered to watch Sunshine Coast Mayor Mark Jamieson and Queensland Environment Minister and Member for Glass House, Andrew Powell go head-to-head in the Kunara Real Food Kitchen.

“This year it was Minister Andrew Powell who took out the cook-off, thus equaling the score board after Mayor Mark Jamison’s win at the 2012 festival. Both have now said they are looking forward to the decider in 2014,” Julie said.

Festival-goers relaxed on hay bales at ‘The Stage’ and were entertained by various local artists including Acoustic Pop singer songwriter Carl Wockner and BossaNova Cowboy, Harii Bandhu.

“The weekend-long food fiesta offered a range of delicious food, local beer, stellar entertainment and an amazing atmosphere for everyone,” Julie said.

“We have had fantastic feedback about the cooking demonstrations, lectures and discussions that are at the heart of the festival as well.”

Proudly supported by event partner, IGA Sunshine Coast, festival organisers are now excited to start planning the 2014 Sunshine Coast Real Food Festival.

For more information on the Real Food Festival, visit the Festival website at You can also ‘like’ the Real Food Festival on Facebook to keep up to date –

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