ComLink says thanks to volunteers with annual race day

Community transport and care organisation, ComLink, will celebrate its 25th anniversary and thank its more than 120 volunteers at a Race Day this Sunday.

Suncoast Transport and Care Association (STAC) trading as ComLink, certainly has a lot to celebrate at the Race Day, which will also be the 10th annual event.

ComLink Chief Executive Feda Adra said the not-for profit organisation and charity provided community transport and care for the frail aged and younger people with a disability to attend medical appointments, shop and maintain their social inclusion from North Brisbane, throughout the Sunshine Coast and north to Bundaberg.

“We have clients with very diverse needs and it is our policy to work with a variety of community organisations to find a solution that works. We never turn anyone away,” Ms Adra said.

She said in 2012 they had already provided 115,000 transport trips for clients, while they received government funding for only 52,000.

“These are services we just wouldn’t be able to provide without our volunteers, which is why it is so important for us to recognise them through our annual race day,” she said.

Ms Adra said at the race day they would be showcasing the organisations achievements over the past 25 years and also recognising volunteers for long service, with 5 year and 10 year certificates to be awarded by ComLink’s new patron Joan Sheldon.

There will also be three 25-year service awards for Jean Huges, Val Allen and Trudi Birks who represent the range of different volunteering roles withing ComLink.

Life members Jean and Val are on ComLink’s board, while Trudi volunteers at Kawana Companions, selling raffles, assisting clients and supporting them socially.

“We also have a very special year service award which will be presented to our treasurer John Muir.

“John, who is an accountant, has been with the organisation for more than 12 years and has been a valuable business advisor, developing all the organisations financial systems and taking on more as ComLink grew.”

John, who still works three mornings a week, said he first took on the role after his wife ‘dobbed’ him in when it looked like the organisation would be unable to get a treasurer.

“It is very rewarding work and the people in the organisation are great,” he said.

MAX Employment to give the Greatest Gift – 10,000 jobs for Christmas

With Australia’s unemployment rate at its highest in more than 12 months and Christmas fast approaching, MAX Employment is calling on employers to join them in their bid to find 10,000 jobs before Christmas.

The MAX Employment Greatest Gift campaign aims to secure 10,000 jobs before Christmas. MAX Employment will make a donation to a charity of their choice (to be confirmed soon).

MAX NetWork Managing Director Deborah Homewood said Christmas was an important time for families but it brought with it a lot of extra pressure, both economically and emotionally.

“We think giving someone who is unemployed a job is the greatest gift we can give,” Ms Homewood said.

Ms Homewood said there were more than 600,000 families in Australia with children under 15 years of age where neither parent was working.* “This has serious impacts not just economically but in terms of the wellbeing of the whole family.

“Many of us don’t have to face these challenges so we forget, but think about when you got your first job, or when you were congratulated for a job well done – it is not just about the advantages that come with bringing home a pay cheque but also the improved physical and mental health benefits.

“People are not only better able to put a roof over their family’s heads, provide healthy foodand meet their financial commitments, they are also more confident. All these benefits have a ripple effect, impacting not only on the person with the job but on their family, their friends and their community.”

Ms Homewood said while finding 10,000 jobs in such a short time was a challenge, it was possible and would make for a much brighter Christmas for 10,000 currently unemployed people.

“At this time of year, people are reminded that we all have a social obligation – to help others who are less fortunate – and as a result we get to see the difference it makes.

“At MAX Employment it is not just about recruitment, it is about helping people change their lives. We need 10,000 employers to join us in giving the greatest gift, and offer just one job to change the lives of many.”

Ms Homewood said as a Job Services Australia provider, the MAX Employment team works with job seekers receiving Centrelink benefits. This includes the short-term and long-term unemployed as well as others who face additional challenges in finding secure employment.

“We not only help find the right person for the job, we can also provide pre and post placement support for the employee, employer and their work colleagues.”

Ms Homewood said ideally MAX Employment would like to find long-term positions either full-time or part-time, but she said even a seasonal job would provide a job seeker with additional income, and provide new skills and experience.

She said the jobs could be across any industry including hospitality, retail, business, administration, transport and logistics, trade and the care industry including aged and childcare.

As part of the Job Services Australia network, MAX Employment’s services are completely fee-free and as a Government Job Employment Agency providing quality recruitment services for job seekers, employers may also be eligible for government incentives.

“All we are asking is that employers thing about the opportunities they have and register at our website – – or freecall 1800 625 350.

“Even if you don’t have a vacant position now, you can still register so when you have a job available we can act even more quickly for you.”

Ms Homewood said while primarily the goal was to help more people find employment, the charity donation would provide support for this important organisation to help more people at a time when there is extra pressure on their services.

This is the second year MAX Employment has run the campaign. In 2011, 10,000 jobs were secured and $100,000 was donated to the Smith Family.

“So if you are an employer, register online – – or call us today – freecall 1800 625 350 – and offer just one job (or more if you can). Together we can make a huge impact, giving people the greatest gift for Christmas and helping them towards a better life.

Image: MAX Employment Managing Director, Deborah Homewood

Tis the season to go gluten and grain free

Following a gluten and grain free diet can be difficult at the best of times, but particularly during the festive season when we are surrounded by the foods we love and long to eat.

Gluten Free Grain Free Guru and author, Tania Hubbard said sticking to a gluten and grain free diet during the Christmas period doesn’t mean you have to miss out.

Thanks to a new partnership with Spice Queen, Vicki Taylor, these two-award winning business women have developed a way for Coeliac sufferers and those with gluten and grain intolerance to have their Christmas cake and eat it too.

“We are very excited about the release of our limited edition gluten and grain free Christmas Cake – cinnamon, spice & all things nice mix,” Tania said.

“It tastes absolutely amazing and is filled with lovely aromatic sweet spices, edible flowers and just the right amount of hand milled dates,” Tania said.

Vicki Taylor, owner of ‘spice hot spot’ Red Hot Chilli Pepper in Caloundra, said developing the Christmas spice mix was great fun and it was a joy to be able to work and collaborate with another successful business.

“I knew this cake was a winner when my husband, who has never really been a fan of Christmas cake before said he could devour one of our cakes in minutes if given half the chance – and I believe him,” Vicki said.

The Christmas Cake mix will be added to Tania’s very popular bake@home range of gluten and grain free goodies for a limited time and will be available in store at Red Hot Chilli Pepper or online via in the lead up to Christmas.

Tania said the bake@home range was designed to make it even easier to cook great-tasting, gluten and grain free goodies in the comfort of your own kitchen.

“All you need for a freshly bake Christmas cake is our mix, some eggs, olive oil and water,” Tania said.

For more Christmas recipes see Tania’s cookbook gluten free grain free – food we love, packed with over 150 pages of mouth-watering recipes, information about stocking a gluten and grain free pantry, label reading and much more.

For a complete list of stockists of gluten free grain free – food we love and the bake@home range, visit

Image (left to right): Vicki Taylor and Tania Hubbard with their new creation, the gluten and grain free Christmas cake.

New Cotton Tree Market Managers to hold meet and greet

Bloomhill Cancer Help and Sunshine Coast Council will host a special ‘meet and greet’ event on Sunday, 21 October as the first step in transitioning the management of the Cotton Tree Markets.
The event follows the exciting announcement from the Sunshine Coast Council earlier this month that Bloomhill had been selected as the new managers of the Cotton Tree Markets.
Bloomhill’s General Manager, Mervat Thompson said Bloomhill was very excited and looking forward to supporting the local Sunshine Coast community and working closely with Council to ensure a smooth transition.
“We believe the meet and greet event is the first positive step in encouraging stakeholder involvement with Bloomhill as the new market managers and to help us develop the markets to ensure we meet the needs of all involved including the broader community of Cotton Tree,” Mervat said.
The event will be held in Cotton Tree Park from 1 to 2pm and will include a BBQ and an opportunity for stallholders to familiarise themselves with Bloomhill’s market management by networking with Bloomhill staff and volunteers and other stallholders as the first step to further enhance the market community.
Among the list of invited guests is local councillor Cr Jason OPray, Bloomhill patron and former Olympian Raelene Boyle, Bloomhill President Jenny Carroll, Bloomhill’s General Manager, Mervat Thompson, volunteers and current market stallholders.
“This will be the first time that many stakeholders will get to meet Bloomhill and we are hoping to build strong partnerships that lead to creating a fantastic, progressive market with a full-program of fresh new activities,” Mervat said.
Bloomhill Cancer Help is a local charity that provides support and assistance to those affected by cancer. Operated by a team of dedicated professional staff and hundreds of volunteers, Bloomhill offers counselling, transport to appointments, respite care and a range of complementary therapies and other practical help.

New workshop to make gluten and grain free living easy

Whether out of necessity or choice, changing a lifetime of eating habits is never simple, but thanks to a new workshop hosted by gluten and grain free guru, Tania Hubbard, it is about to get easier.

Cookbook author and authority on gluten and grain free living, Tania Hubbard said the workshop aimed to give people the practical skills to make a smooth transition to gluten and grain free eating.

“Cutting gluten and grains from your diet can be overwhelming and most people find it a challenge to know what they can and can’t eat,” Tania said.

“Particularly, because gluten is often used as a filler and is hidden within many staple grocery items, like pasta sauces,” Tania said.

The workshops, ‘Living Gluten and Grain Free – How to Get Started,” will be held on two days, Wednesday, 14th November from 11am to 1pm in Room 1 and Saturday, 17th November from 10am to 12pm in Room 2, Nambour Community Centre, 2 Shearer Street, Nambour.

The two-hour workshop will cover topics including stocking a practical and cost effective pantry and fridge, understanding food labels, how to order when eating out, as well as how to make the 3B’s  – beautiful breakfast, basic bread and brilliant snacks.

“My workshop is about getting back to basics of what great food is, and learning how to easily integrate gluten and grain free foods into your lifestyle,” Tania said.

The workshop is $40 per person and includes a workbook and morning tea on arrival. Participants will also have the opportunity to purchase a ‘Book and Bake Bundle’ including Tania’s cookbook, bread mix, cake mix and biscuit mix for a discounted price of $55.

Tania, who was diagnosed with an intolerance to a protein found in grains several years ago, said her condition turned out to be a blessing in disguise, helping her realise her talent and passion for food, which saw her develop her own gluten and grain free recipes and write and publish her own cookbook.

“My food isn’t just for Coeliacs and those with grain intolerance, it’s for everyone and anyone that wants to enjoy nutritious and wholesome cooking that tastes great,” Tania said.

Tania’s cookbook, gluten free grain free – food we love, is packed with over 150 pages of mouth-watering recipes, information about stocking a gluten and grain free pantry, label reading and much more.

To register for the workshop, email for a registration form and payment details. There are limited spaces available, so be quick.

For a complete list of stockists of gluten free grain free – food we love and the bake@home range, or to purchase online, visit

Buderim garden opens for public viewing

The Buderim Foundation is giving locals the chance to view one of Buderim’s most unique gardens in an effort to raise money for their B150 Community Project.

The Open Garden will be held on Sunday, 21 October at 72 Whites Road, Buderim via Kunda Park from 8am to 4pm.

Buderim Foundation Chairman, Paul Clark said the event would give visitors a unique insight into how a previous industrial site can be transformed, with hard work and dedication, into a wonderful garden and haven for native wildlife.

The property is set on 1.5 acres and has been a labour of love over the past six years for owners Graeme and Beverley Ensoll. Until 2005, the site was mostly covered by industrial buildings, which had been used for steel fabrication and to perform abrasive blasting techniques and apply various finishes and coatings.

“When we took control of the site all but one of the buildings had to be demolished and the site refurbished,” Graeme said.

“We planted a small native forest and designed extensive gardens that resulted in a noticeable increase in wildlife visitors, especially birds,” Graeme said.

“I’ve become a keen gardener and Graeme has had the opportunity to develop his artistic side, making a variety of metal sculptures and incorporating them into the garden design,” Beverley said.

The Whites Road Open Garden program will include a talk from expert Horticulturalist, Marg Van Roy from Manawee Garden Centre at 10am, followed by performances from U3A Music Makers Band and the Sunshine Statesman Barbershop Chorus.

The ‘Sheddies’ from the Buderim Mens’ Shed will host a workshop demonstration throughout the day and there will be plenty of crafts and plants for sale.

Morning and afternoon tea can be purchased from the Friends of Buderim and the Rotary Club of Buderim will host a sausage sizzle.

All community members are welcome to attend. Entry into the garden is $5 for adults and children under 12 are free. All proceeds collected on the day will go towards helping the Foundation achieve its B150 Community Challenge target.

The B150 challenge, marks Buderim’s 150th anniversary, and aims to raise $500,000 by the end of 2012 to take the Foundation’s investment fund to $1million. The income earned from the fund will be used to provide grants to support Buderim community organisations.

The Buderim Foundation is a philanthropic organisation that aims to enrich and enhance the quality of life for Buderim and its residents, past and future, by generating income from donations and bequests and providing grants for worthwhile community projects.

New Maroochy Fresh Food Market to make shopping simple

A trio of businesses in Maroochydore has joined together to help make it easier for shoppers to buy quality, local fresh foods in one location.

With the long-anticipated arrival of Bake My Day into the Sunshine Homemaker Centre, Jeffers Market and Off the Bone Butcher have teamed up with the bake house to create the Maroochy Fresh Food Market, a one-stop destination shopping experience.

Jeffers Market Owner, Stephen Jeffers said the new Fresh Food Market was all about making it more convenient for customers to get all their fresh, whole foods in one place.

The launch of the Maroochy Fresh Food Market will be held on Saturday, 13th October from 10am to 2pm, located at the opposite end to Bunnings in the Sunshine Homemaker Centre complex.

The launch will include an abundance of local, fresh foods, super specials, free sausage sizzle and tastings, live entertainment from jazz and blues group the Chardonnay Sippers, as well as the chance to win some amazing prizes including more than $500 worth of store vouchers.

Owner of Bake My Day, Lex Fresser said he was really excited to be expanding his business to its second location and becoming apart of the new market place.

“Customers of our new store in the Sunshine Homemaker Centre can expect the same friendly service and quality baked-products as they receive at our Wises Road store,” Lex said.

“At the launch, we will be offering a special discount on coffees, and as always, will have plenty of freshly-baked cakes, breads and pies, including gluten-free options,” Lex said.

Brendan Duggan, owner of Off the Bone Butcher said to celebrate the new union they will be conducting a demonstration on how to cook the perfect steak.

“I will also be manning the barbecue for the free sausage sizzle and we will have our popular range of internationally-flavoured sausages and wood-smoked ham and bacon made on site, all of which are gluten free,” Brendan said.

Street by Street fundraising challenge gains momentum

The Buderim Foundation’s Community Street By Street Challenge continues to go from strength to strength, with residents eager to help the Foundation get closer to its $500,000 target.

A number of Buderim streets have joined the initiative, hosting events and rallying together to raise funds.

Street by Street Liaison, Simon Whittle said the Foundation had received an overwhelming response from Buderim locals wanting to do whatever they could to contribute to the Challenge.

“The residents of Horseshoe Bend have just become a major contributor to the challenge having held events including two ‘bring a plate lunches’, monster garage sale and an under 7’s disco, and raising $2,500 so far,” Simon said.

“They also have plenty more fundraising events planned including a wine tasting, progressive dinner and Christmas party,” Simon said.

The Street by Street challenge is an initiative of the Buderim Foundation to encourage its residents to work together to contribute to the Foundation’s B150 Community Challenge.

The B150 challenge, marks Buderim’s 150th anniversary, and aims to raise $500,000 by the end of 2012 to take the Foundation’s investment fund to $1million. The income earned from the fund will be used to provide grants to support Buderim community organisations.

Foote Ridge was the first Street to jump onboard with neighbours donating varying amounts totaling over $2,000 and a street ambassador in Orme Road has visited residents in her street with a similar result.

“There is an additional three or four more Streets with initiatives underway too,” Simon said.

Local organisations are also teaming up to help raise money for the Challenge with the Friends of Buderim, an organisation that provides support to the BWMCA and a number of other organisations, agreeing to donate the funds raised at their Easter Market Stall earlier this year. The Buderim Men’s Shed also joined the challenge, holding monthly raffles and donating the proceeds.

Men’s Shed member and Buderim Foundation Ambassador, Sjoerd Dykstra said all the members were very supportive of the cause, with one cheque being handed to the Foundation already and many more to come.

The Buderim Foundation is a philanthropic organisation that aims to enrich and enhance the quality of life for Buderim and its residents, past and future, by generating income from donations and bequests and providing grants for worthwhile community projects.


Should you choose an in-house Public Relations manager or use an external PR consultancy?

By Michelle Smytheman, BA (Jour/Comm), Grad Dip Mrkt Mgt, MA (Prof Comm) MPRIA

content_prWhether to hire an in-house public relations/marketing officer or to use an external consultancy is a question a lot of organisations face, particularly small and medium sized   businesses, not-for-profit and other organisations that have restrictive operating budgets.

There are pros and cons to both options but overall, particularly in a situation where you are choosing between having just one PR person on staff or using an external agency it is more cost-effective to use an agency.

Caloundra to get a taste of Yarn Bombing thanks to Crochet Queen Jenny King

Anyone attending the Festival of Life in Caloundra later this month is in for a taste of the international ‘yarn bombing’ phenomenon, thanks to Australia’s Crochet Queen Jenny King.

Sunshine Coast local, Jenny King, who is in demand internationally as a crochet expert, is hatching a plan with a group of crochet enthusiasts to transform ‘something’ within the festival.

The Festival of Life, on 27 September, is a fringe festival of the Caloundra Fringe Festival, will be held in Lion’s Park Kings Beach, and while the exact nature of the yarn bombing is a secret, it is guaranteed to be quite spectacular.

Jenny King said she was inspired to create something special for the lifestyle festival.

“That was a few weeks ago and now we have a small group madly crocheting so we will have our feature ready to be installed,” Jenny said.

“Yarn bombing, also known as yarn storming, has become an international phenomenon over the last decade with knitters and crochet enthusiasts creating installation art pieces that appear to pop up overnight,” she said.

“It is a great way to highlight yarn crafts and show just how versatile yarn can be. Yarn bombing has also been created with the recent resurgence in people taking up knitting and crocheting.”

Jenny is continuing her crocheting while visiting the US this week where she is a special guest at the Crochet Guild of America’s Knitting and Crochet Show in Reno, Navada, while others continue to stitch in secret around the Coast.

“I am so looking forward to coming home and seeing everyone’s reactions when our yarn bombing is complete for the Festival on the 27th.”

“It will be great fun.”

The Festival of Life will run from 10am to 6pm at Lions Park, Kings Beach and will feature Tibetan singing bowl workshops and meditation, Healing Music, Fusion Music of Tibetan, Indian & Asian influence, Soul Music and World Music. There will also be a variety of food available for the body, mind and soul, exquisite visual arts for the heart and an interactive art space created by Krystle Sturgess.

Jenny King Designs shop is at Marcoola, opposite the Surf Air. You can also find out more or purchase online at

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