Buderim Foundation launches B150 Community Challenge

To mark Buderim’s 150th anniversary this year, the Buderim Foundation is launching a community challenge that aims to raise over $500,000 by the end of the year.

The money raised will be placed in the Buderim Foundation investment fund and the income earned will be used to provide grants to support Buderim community organisations.

Chair of the Buderim Foundation, Paul Clark said the B150 project was about recognising and celebrating 150 years of community spirit and ensuring that it will continue for the next 150 years.

“The money raised will allow us to offer more grants to community organisations and groups so that they can operate at their full potential,” Professor Clark said.

To reach the goal, the Foundation is hoping to attain 150 donations of $2,000 or more, plus a number of smaller donations and to hold events, raffles and an auction to raise the additional funds needed to meet the target.

“This is a very ambitious task and we will need the support of the entire Buderim Community to complete the challenge,” Prof. Clark said.

“We encourage everyone in the Buderim community to start spreading the word and to lend a hand in this challenge whether it be a donation or volunteering at one of our events,” Prof. Clark said.

The Buderim Foundation is a philanthropic organisation that aims to enrich and enhance the quality of life for Buderim and its residents, past and future, by generating income from donations and bequests and providing grants for worthwhile community projects.

“As a not-for-profit company, the foundation relies on the generous contributions of local businesses and citizens in order to continue providing grants to quality local community projects and groups,” Prof. Clark said.

Since its launch eight years ago, the Foundation has raised $450,000 for its investment fund and aims to reach the $1,000,000 mark in just one year.

“Once we reach our goal, the Foundation has big plans for Buderim including to pledge a substantial grant towards the further enhancement of the Martins Creek Corridor,” Prof. Clark said.

For more information on the Buderim Foundation or the B150 project, please visit, www.buderimfoundation.org.au.

Bloomhill receives visit from Queensland Senator

QUEENSLAND Senator Claire Moore visited the Bloomhill Cancer Help Centre at Buderim this morning to inspect progress on their major renovations.

The renovations, which started in October thanks to a grant from the Commonwealth Government and funds raised from the community through the Target 300 campaign, are well on the way.

The Queensland Senator shared morning tea with the Bloomhill Management Committee and staff at Bloomhill, followed by a tour of the construction site to see the progress of the extension.

Bloomhill President, Jenny Carroll said the Management Committee and staff were thrilled to have the opportunity to meet the Senator.

“It was also important to us that we were able to express our appreciation to the Senator for the role she played in helping us to receive the grant money for the extensions,” Jenny said.

In June 2011, Bloomhill received a $500,000 grant from the Commonwealth of Australia to support the health needs of regional communities. Senator Claire Moore helped to facilitate the delivery of the grant application that made the extension possible.

“Senator Moore was of great assistance in ensuring the original application was in the hands of the Department of Health and Ageing on time.”

“Without her involvement, we may not have received the funding and the extensions would still be in the planning stage,” Jenny said.

“All the money we received from the grant will be used to build and fit out five new therapy rooms, additional office space and with other funds on hand to refurbish the entire Therapy House,” Jenny said.

Since then, the Senator has maintained an interest in Bloomhill and was invited to the ‘Commencement of Construction’ celebration in November. Due to other obligations the Senator was unable to attend and scheduled a visit in the New Year instead.

“We were really excited to show the Senator how much progress has been made on the extensions.”

Bloomhill Cancer Help is a Sunshine Coast based charity that provides support and assistance to those affected by cancer. Operated by a team of dedicated professional staff and hundreds of volunteers, Bloomhill offers counseling, transport to appointments, respite care and a range of complementary therapies and other practical help.

“The Senator has always shown an interest in supporting small charities like Bloomhill and helping them further develop the capacity for their services,” Jenny said.

Bloomhill President, Jenny Carroll said the extension means people diagnosed with cancer and their families will have better access to services and support.

“We are hoping that the construction will be completed by April 2012 and the new Therapy House to be fully functional again by June,” Jenny said.

Smart Sparrow targets Next Generation Learning after securing first round of funding

Sydney, December 16, 2011 – Smart Sparrow Pty Ltd, have today announced it has secured a significant round of venture capital investment to accelerate the commercialisation of its proprietary online Intelligent Tutoring e-learning platform.

Smart Sparrow, a company incubated with the University of New South Wales’ Faculty of Engineering, was originally identified by Uniseed. OneVentures then led the funding round with Uniseed investing alongside the OneVentures Innovation Fund. Smart Sparrow will utilise the capital injection to enhance platform capability and further pursue market adoption of their state-of-the-art technology.

Smart Sparrow founder, Dr Dror Ben-Naim said the future of education is learning environments that adapt to the individual student as they progress through coursework and where each student receives rich interactive feedback as if sitting one-on-one with their teacher.

“While students work, Smart Sparrow’s adaptivity engine models their knowledge and learning style, so that it can personalize the teaching, specific to their learning.

“We are delighted to have received such strong interest in the technology with recognition not only from Australian venture capitalists but also internationally,” Dr Ben-Naim said.

OneVentures Managing Partner, Dr Michelle Deaker said OneVentures had identified education as a sector that would see substantial growth, disruption, globalisation and innovation over the next decade

“The OneVentures Innovation Fund is looking for investments with global potential and large addressable markets. We were impressed by the Smart Sparrow team, the technology and the potential of the company in servicing the rapidly growing e-learning market expected to exceed $50 billion in 2011.”

Smart Sparrow was founded in 2010, following seven years of research and development by Israeli-Australian PhD graduate Dror Ben-Naim. While within the University of New South Wales, the technology became successfully incorporated into the teaching programs of over 60 academics and used by 15,000 students annually. Hundreds of adaptive modules are now in use in subjects ranging from pathology and science labs through to music and business. Adoption of the platform has enabled the university to reduce costs, provide a richer learning environment and improve student performance and classroom success rates.

Uniseed Investment Manager, Dr David Rowe, said Uniseed recognised the potential of the technology and looked to partner with venture capitalists who had the requisite experience and international networks to help drive the business and mentor the founding team of the company.

“The platform developed by Smart Sparrow represents the next generation of educational technology. The cloud-based platform is stable, scalable and proven with modules in operation now in 5 of the 8 top tier Australian Universities, as well as first international customers.”

University of New South Wales Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), Professor Les Field AM said venture capital played a crucial role and was recognised globally as an essential building block in the innovation ecosystem.

“In many respects, it is the missing link between university funded research and commercial outcomes that benefit the economy, make workplaces more productive and create new jobs. The University is delighted to see Smart Sparrow attract substantial venture capital funding to further its commercial operations,” said Professor Field.

Professor Field also commented that there is a growing need, particularly in higher education, for institutions to take a global view of their provision of educational services and learning, expand their student numbers and yet also find ways to customise the learning experience to individual students. In a wired world, coupled with ubiquitous mobility, educational institutions must adopt new technologies that allow them to teach anyone, anywhere and anytime.

Dr Ben-Naim said they had seen significant engagement from students accessing the platform.

“As academics build their content into the platform, learning outcomes are enhanced and the teacher can monitor progress of the student through all stages of the course,” he said.

Dr Deaker commented that a key focus of the NBN would be delivery of educational training and vocational services into regional areas of Australia through online education programs.

She also noted that the Asia-Pacific region was growing rapidly in wealth yet was unable to adequately meet the demands for educational services, which would provide significant opportunity for Australian institutions.

“Lack of or access to qualified educators means that more scalable education models are required which will be underpinned by technology. Intelligent Tutoring Technology, such as Smart Sparrow, will be essential as the platform enabler of these future learning environments.”

Coast author brings Australian feel and fresh approach to a Christmas classic

A Sunshine Coast speech pathologist and first-time author has used the Christmas classic “The Night Before Christmas” as the inspiration for a new Christmas picture book with a truly Australian feel.

Having worked in education for almost twenty years, Bryan Ward has a strong interest in developing children’s communication skills through talking and stories.

“To encourage children to read you need to engage them in something they can relate to and Australian kids love a beach Christmas, so I started there,” Bryan, who also illustrated the book, said.

“Then I thought to myself, what would happen if Santa crash-landed on the beach outside my holiday apartment and how we would go about helping Santa solve the problem?”

Bryan said from the starting point, and using the famous “The Night Before Christmas” as inspiration, he set about writing a book that would encourage imagination and help promote language development.

“Books can help children become familiar with the patterns and rhythms of our language, with the ability to identify and generate rhyming words being key pre-literacy skills that children need to take with them into prep and school.

“For that reason, every page of this story features rhythm and rhyme – which also makes for great fun.”

“Books can teach children about things they haven’t seen or done yet, feeding their imaginations while also introducing them to important life skills like co-operation, which I have explored using other children and Australia’s iconic lifesavers in the story to help Santa out of his predicament.”

“Santa’s Beach Christmas”, which is suitable for children from pre-prep age and into the early years of school, also contains great bonus material about “The Night Before Christmas”, some history about Santa Claus and Saint Nicholas, as well as other activities to encourage language development through words that explore the senses.

“Santa’s Beach Christmas” is available from www.thewritestuffinoz.blogspot.com at just $18 plus postage. They will also be available at the Buderim Mamma’s Market on Friday 16th December at Buderim War Memorial Hall from 5pm to 9pm.

SCLA hosts community Christmas trivia night

Test your knowledge against some of the brightest literary minds on the Coast and most importantly have fun at the Sunshine Coast Literary Association’s Christmas Trivia evening on Tuesday, 13 December.

To be held at the Buderim Tavern from 6:30pm to 10:00pm, the Christmas Trivia evening will include a mix of literary trivia as well as general knowledge questions and there are some great prizes up for grabs. All community members are welcome to join in on this fun night of friendly competition.

SCLA President, Bryan Ward said the first ever trivia night will give the community an opportunity to celebrate the end of another successful year for SCLA alongside its members.

It has been a busy year for the SCLA holding their regular workshops, guest authors’ talks, competitions and the ever-popular summer school program as well as a few new additions to the events schedule.

“Christmas Trivia will be a fun night and is a great reason to have a meal together to wrap up the year,” Bryan said.

“I’m looking forward to some friendly competition and a few laughs with our members and friends in a social environment,” Bryan said.

Be sure to RSVP quickly as there are limited places available for this special event. Participating in the trivia portion of the evening is free and guests can purchase their own meals at bar prices (from $18.50).

Formed in 2005, the SCLA provides a pathway for the Sunshine Coast’s aspiring writers and enthusiasts to explore their interests develop skills and showcase their work.  It allows like minded individuals to exchange ideas and seek advice to develop their abilities.

The association offers regular literary workshops, seminars and events, awards programs and monthly Front Write Up literary performance evenings that provide an opportunity to showcase the talents of its members. The SCLA also promotes other state and national writing competitions that offer successful applicants great prizes and recognition.

For more information on beginning your journey as a writer, becoming a member of the SCLA, or to RSVP to the evening, please email info@scliterary.org or phone 07 5450 2690.

School holidays fast approaching

At this time of year, parents all over Australia start to panic. In a few short weeks, their precious children will be in their full time care and the pressure of keeping them happy for up to two months can be daunting.

It’s not just about keeping them busy: choosing holiday experiences that won’t break the bank can be a real challenge. Luckily, the Kids Welcome web directory has been launched just in time to come to the rescue.

This free resource includes over 2000 reviews of family-friendly activities, attractions, tours, places to eat, places to stay, events, beaches and even playgrounds. The reviews are written by parents, for parents and each is rated as suitable for three different age-groups: preschool, primary and teen.

Web directory creator, Sarah Pye said this invaluable resource would take the hard work out of entertaining the kids.

“If you are planning to explore new parts of Australia together, it helps you pick appropriate places to go, may of which are free and wouldn’t find them in tourism brochures,” she says.

“Even if you don’t leave home, the Kids Welcome directory is just as useful for banishing ‘I’m bored’ because there are guaranteed to be ideas for your local area too.”

“Grandparents, aunts and uncles need not fear if the kids are coming to visit over Christmas!”

What makes this online resource different from Kids Welcome printed guidebooks is the ability for users to engage directly. By joining the site, which is free, they can make comments on the reviews and even upload images of their own family enjoying the activities.

“Not only is it fun to see yourself on the website, it’s also good to know your comments will help other families create memorable holidays,” Sarah said.

The Kids Welcome web directory was launched on November 11 at Underwater World on the Sunshine Coast. It was critically acclaimed by Sunshine Coast Destination Limited and currently covers Queensland, NSW and the ACT. Sarah and her chief expert, Amber (11) intend to hitch their camper trailer and explore Victoria over the summer to add even more content.

To celebrate the launch, you could win a week in your very own camper trailer from Camp Ezy on the Gold Coast. Simply go to competitions on www.kidswelcome.com.au

SCLA invites all to join summer writing workshop

They say everyone has at least one good book inside them – well if you want to get yours out and down on paper, the Sunshine Coast Literary Summer School is just the opportunity you need to make it happen!

The program, Genesis to Publication, will run across four evenings on Wednesday 30 November and 7 December, and again on 18 January and 15 February at the University of the Sunshine Coast.

Genesis to Publication can be applied to all genres and will focus on developing a story structure and outline, character and plot development, and the steps involved in publishing.

President of SCLA, Bryan Ward said the program is a perfect summer project for participants where they can explore writing.

“Whether you want to get started on a book or just develop a short story and learn how to apply writing techniques then it is a great opportunity.

“Participants will build on their knowledge each month, with time in between to work on their writing,” Bryan said.

The Summer School will be presented by the talented Nike Sulway and Naomi Stekelenburg. Nike’s an award-winning author of novels and children’s books, and is co-director of Olvar Wood. Naomi has co-authored a children’s book and is currently completing her PhD in English Literature. Both presenters are also University of the Sunshine Coast’s creative writing educators.

Nike said she was excited to be involved in the SCLA Summer School, offering practical advice to a wide-variety of people.

“The workshops are a great way to meet other writers, develop skills for writing and get on-the-spot feedback and answers to your questions,” Nike said.

“The program gives us the opportunity to share our knowledge with a select group of people, and give them lots of hints and tips about how to fine tune their stories,” she said.

The classes will be held in Lecture Theatre 6 at USC and will begin at 5.45pm for a prompt 6.00pm start concluding at 8.30pm each night.

Tickets must be pre-purchased and is available only as a block for $150 for current SCLA members and $180 for other guests. SCLA membership can be purchased for $35 or $25 for concessions and will qualify you for the discounted pricing. Positions are limited, so make sure you book your seat today.

For more information about the program, biographies of our talented presenters or to book your seat for the summer school, please visit the ‘What’s On’ section of the SCLA website – www.scliterary.org or call 5450 2690.

SCLA celebrates Christmas with trivia night

Sunshine Coast Literary Association will be celebrating a successful year for writers on the Sunshine Coast with Christmas Trivia on Tuesday, 13 December 2011.

All community members are welcome to join the SCLA for the evening, held at the Buderim Tavern from 6.30pm to 10.00pm.

SCLA President Bryan Ward said he is excited to take part in the first ever trivia event.

“Christmas Trivia will be a fun night and it gives us an opportunity to share a meal to wrap up the end of the year,” Bryan said.

“I’m looking forward to some friendly competition and it’s a good excuse to meet up with our members and friends in a social environment,” Bryan said.

“We’ll have a mix of literary trivia for SCLA members as well as general knowledge questions so everyone can join in and enjoy the evening,” Bryan said.

It has been a busy time for the SCLA with a series of workshops, guest authors, competitions and the ever-popular summer school program.

Be sure to RSVP quickly as there are limited places available for this special event. Guests will be required to purchase their own meals at bar prices (starting from $18.50).

Formed in 2005, the SCLA provides a pathway for the Sunshine Coast’s aspiring writers and enthusiasts to explore their interests develop skills and showcase their work.  It allows like minded individuals to exchange ideas and seek advice to develop their abilities.

The association offers regular literary workshops, seminars and events, awards programs and monthly Front Write Up literary performance evenings that provide an opportunity to showcase the talents of its members. The SCLA also promotes other state and national writing competitions that offer successful applicants great prizes and recognition.

For more information on beginning your journey as a writer, becoming a member of the SCLA, or to RSVP to the evening, please email info@scliterary.org or phone 07 5450 2690.

Just in time for school holiday planning

Award winning company Kids Welcome has just launched a new, extensive web directory of family-friendly travel experiences.

This innovative resource currently contains over 2000 reviews of activities, attractions, tours, restaurants, beaches, playgrounds and events in Queensland, New South Wales and the ACT. Other states will follow shortly.

Author and creator Sarah Pye, who was named Sunshine Coast Micro/Small Business Woman of the Year in 2010, was lucky to have travelled with her own parents and said she learnt an enormous amount outside the classroom.
“Kids grow up so quickly and go through so many different stages along the way,” Sarah said.

“I want to encourage parents to experience new things with their children, even close to home, while the kids still want to.

“The reviews in the Kids Welcome web directory make the job of choosing age-appropriate experiences much easier.”

Each review on the website is rated as suitable in three different age-groups: preschool, primary and teen. Regions are easily searched, and there’s a wealth of travel advice too.

Mum Simone Elling has long been a fan of Kids Welcome. Up until now, she has used Sarah’s printed guidebook Kids Welcome to Queensland to plan her family’s holidays and weekends.

“I am so excited the web directory is now live,” she said.

“It even lets me become a Kids Welcome reviewer and upload images and videos!”

To celebrate the launch of this new innovative tourism directory, you could win a week in your very own camper trailer with Camp Ezy on the Gold Coast. Simply go to www.kidswelcome.com.au to enter the competition. Now that’s a memorable family holiday in the making.

Young entrepeneur shows a mind for business

Sunshine Coast local and entrepreneur, Tony McMahon, is well on his way to becoming one of the Sunshine Coast’s newest ‘movers and shakers’, launching his second successful business, Commfix, at the young age of only 26.

Following the success of his first company, Dr Mac, a Mac service and repair business, Tony launched Commfix, a mobile technology service provider in June last year and business is booming.

Tony said the idea for Commfix came from his own personal experiences with long waiting times to have his iPhone repaired.

“The typical waiting period to have an iPhone or iPad service and repair is between 3 to 8 weeks, which is far too long in my opinion, ” Tony said.

“I realised there was a real need for improvement in Australia’s IT service industry and saw an opportunity to create a service that was more responsive,” Tony said.

Commfix is a dedicated iPhone/ iPad service centre offering white conversions and instant or same day repairs, a concept almost unheard of within the IT industry.  Since it’s launch only a year and a half ago, the company has continued to go from strength to strength, now staffing four Apple-trained technicians.

“The business is has taken off really quickly and we have already had to move to a bigger premise to accommodate our growing number of clients,” Tony said.

Tony has big plans for the company, and has just returned from Europe to foster international development and research new products. Whilst in Europe, Tony also visited Gold Striker, a company that specialises in producing diamond and gold iPhones and cases.

But it doesn’t stop there; he is also in the process of expanding Commfix and its services to offer same or next day repairs to Australasia.

“We are aiming to set a new benchmark for iPhone and iPad service waiting periods not just on the Sunshine Coast, but throughout Australia and New Zealand too,” Tony said.

“At Commfix, we understand that your mobile phone is not only a business tool, but also a day-to-day life manager, so when your iPhone’s not working, you’re not working,” Tony said.

For more information about Commfix or to schedule an iPhone or iPad repair, please visit www.commfix.com.au or call 07 5414 9444.

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