Sunshine Coast Literary Association WARM Writers Competition Winners announced

WARM Coast logoYear 12 student Madalyn Bayliss won a hat trick for her entries in the Young Adult category of the annual WARM Writers Competition.

The 17-year-old student from Caloundra City School took out first prize as well as the Readers Choice award for her short story “Listen”, plus a Highly Commended for another short story “Choose Your Fate”.

Madalyn received her awards at the Sunshine Coast Literary Association’s presentation dinner on 17 June,  at Cartwrights Restaurant, Mountain Creek.

Montville poet John McMaster was the other hat trick winner for his entries in the Open Poem category.

The competition was open to aspiring writers in the Sunshine Coast and Gympie areas, with four entry categories including Junior (Primary, Grades 5-8), Young Adult (High School, Grades 9-12), Open Poem and Open Short Story.

In addition to the official judging in each category, a panel of independent members reviewed the entries and selected a Readers Choice winner.

The Sunshine Coast Literary Association (SCLA) is a not-for-profit association dedicated to nurturing, showcasing and celebrating literary talent throughout the Sunshine Coast region, with the annual Writers Competition awards being a key part of that charter.

SCLA President Hari Kotrotsios said the judges were amazed at the talent of the writers who entered this year’s competition.

“There were such exceptional entries this year. I am proud to be a part of a competition that showcases the depth of talent of writers throughout our region,” she said.

Winners of the Open Short Story category were:  Bryan Ward (first place) and Peter Nolan (second place) . Highly commended awards were given to BP Marshal, Brian Gram, Peta Miller and Peter Smith. The Reader’s Choice award winner was Morgana McLeod.

Winners of the Open Poem category were: John McMaster (first place) and Bryan Ward (second place). Highly commended awards were given to Suzanne Strong, Bryan Ward and John McMaster, who also received the Reader’s choice award.

Winners of the Young Adult short story category were: Madalyn Bayliss (first place) and Jack Burnham (second place). Highly commended awards were given to Tahlia Baumann, Madalyn Bayliss and Miranda Rew-Duffy. The Reader’s choice award was received by Madalyn Bayliss.

Winners of the Junior Short Story category were: Chiara Guidotti (first place) and Isabelle Blackstone (second place). A highly commended award was given to Lucy Connolly and the Readers Choice award was given to Julian Gordillo.

The Sunshine Coast Literary Association congratulates all the talented winners of 2010 WARM Writers Competition and thanks all applicants who entered this year’s competition.

Hari said  the SCLA encouraged writers to continue developing their talents and hoped to see their entries  in next year’s WARM Writer’s Competition.

The cost of entering is $5 per entry with a maximum of three entries per candidate.  Entries close on Friday, 30th of April 2010. Entry details and forms are available online at the SCLA website – , or by emailing info@scliterary.or

Buderim Craft Cottage Fabric Art & Surface Design Group

fashion 2008 009The talented fabric artists at the Buderim Craft Cottage will this winter be presenting their 4th Biennial Exhibition of wearable art ‘Visions IV’.

This year’s Visions IV exhibition and sale by the Craft Cottage’s Fabric Art and Surface Design Group in July is set to be the most spectacular yet with internationally experienced artists all working to present garments created especially for the event.

Fabric Art and Surface Design Group president Lyn Gooch said the group has 20 members, all practicing textile artists working in many different mediums, silk, wool and cotton.

“Our members produce exquisite art to wear, textile pictures and wall hangings.  These works use many techniques, hand dyeing fabrics, machine and hand embellishment, Nuno felting, Shibori- traditional and modern,” Lyn said.

“A wearable art garment may take weeks to complete.  A work will begin with an idea, a unique design,” she said.

“Just imagine starting with that idea, having to start with a white piece of silk or other fabric, then having to hand dye and sometime machine embellish it before drafting your own pattern and hand making it to complete your ideas.

“You may then realize why members of the group become obsessed with their work.”

Everyone is welcome to come along and see this year’s unique designs with the exhibition to be held in Buderim Craft Cottage Atrium Gallery with the invitation-only official opening on Friday 16th July at 7pm. The exhibition will then be open to the public on Saturday 17th from 9am – 4pm, Sunday 18th from 9am – 3pm, with the gallery display open all week and the following weekend, Saturday 24th from 9am – 4pm and Sunday 25th 9am – 12noon.   The Buderim Craft Cottage is at 5 Main Street, Buderim, behind War Memorial Hall on corner Church and Main Streets.  Entry is by gold coin donation. Enquiries Lyn (07) 5445 6113 Jill (07) 5477 6029.

Lyn said this year’s Visions IV exhibition would feature the group’s challenge display of ‘Wearable Art with a futuristic theme’.  There will also be a display of work from the Maroochydore High School year 10 Textile Students.

Strategic approach needed to maximise return on next Internet revolution

Traffika LogoMore complex online search possibilities and the merging of data from multiple sources including social media will see the Internet reinvent itself all over again in the next couple of years, according to the experts at Traffika.

This means an effective digital marketing strategy has never been more important to a company’s success.

Traffika Managing Director Matt Forman said “already search engines are becoming more sophisticated to deal with how people are using more complex search terms to narrow down their results so the strategies companies use to achieve results need to become more advanced in their approach as well”.

Mr Forman said while many companies were still just dipping their toes into the waters of digital marketing through search engines and social media, the Internet was evolving at a startling pace.

“It is not enough to just set up a Facebook page or Twitter account and post items a couple of times a week.  To get real return on investment you need to take a strategic approach, just as you would with any other aspect of your business,” Mr Forman said.

“Web 3.0 or the Semantic Web as it is caled, is already in its early stages,” he said.

“This new evolution of the web will see search engines examine the human meaning of the search words and phrases before searching.  Then information from multiple sources will be merged to provide more meaningful search results,” he said.

“For example if you do a search for ‘best plasma tv’, information on the best models, prices, customer reviews and warranties can all be returned and presented in a single result.”

Mr Forman said there was also already a meshing of social media with search, where individuals could search for information posted by their trusted networks in a new digital evolution of word-of-mouth referrals.

“Another aspect, which is already moving forward at breakneck speed because of the increasing sophistication of mobile phones and other portable devices, is local search where your location and your online social network is taken into account by search engines so you are presented with information that is more relevant to you.

“For example, if you are looking to go out and grab a coffee your mobile device could give you information about cafes as well as the locations and activities of your friends to allow you to invite them to join you.”

Mr Forman said the future was already here.  “It’s all about the meshing of search, social, local and mobile technologies and companies need to ensure that they are geared up to maximise the opportunities it brings.”

In terms of search complexity research has shown that the length of search terms is getting longer.  In the four-week period to the end of February 2010, clicks made through searches over eight words grow by 8.3%, and by 5.3% for over seven words.  At the same time searches using one word fell by 1.1%, with search over two words falling by 1.5%.*

Mr Forman said because of all the development online it meant that digital marketing strategies also had to evolve to more astutely take advantage of the benefits the technology offered.

“These changes mean that consumers will be presented with more refined and limited results so digital marketing strategies need to address that.

“We call it 360 degrees digital.  Traffika develops cost-effective strategies that address all areas of the digital world – search, social, local and mobile – in a targeted way which achieves measurable results.”

He said strategies could include digital promotions encouraging social media referrals or mentions as well as integration of a company’s corporate web presence with its social media campaign through optimisation and other approaches.

“There isn’t any one size fits all approach because there are so many different variables for different businesses.  Businesses need to taker a professional approach and seek the advice of experts.  However this doesn’t mean it needs to be expensive and people should ensure that like other marketing activities they undertake, there are effective ways to measure results.”

Mr Forman said one of the beauties of the digital world was that everything was measurable so campaigns could be tailored as they went to achieve optimal results.

For more information about digital marketing and leading industry insight visit our blog or follow Matt on Twitter at @mattforman.

*Research from Experian Hitwise from a study of the four weeks ending 27 February 2010

At Bloomhill, Christmas comes twice a year

Colour LogoJoin in the festivities with Bloomhill Cancer Help as they deck their halls for the Christmas Yuletide on Wednesday, 23 June.

This annual fundraising dinner will be held at Headland Golf Club and will include great local entertainment and a three-course Christmas buffet style dinner with all the trimmings of a winter festival (Yuletide).

Peter McAllister, event organiser for last year’s event, said it was such a great night in 2009, that due to popular demand he and Bloomhill had decided to make it an annual event.

“We are really excited to have some great new performers added to the line up this year as well as some of last year’s favourites”, Mr McAllister said.

The line up includes performances by sixties acts including the Hot Ginger Chorus Inc, Brian Carion, Pete and the Cruisers and a special appearance by Elvis.

“At Bloomhill, Christmas doesn’t just come once a year,” said Mr McAllister.

“Christmas Yuletide really lifts people’s spirits because it gives them an opportunity to spend time with friends and family and ‘let their hair down’ in the middle of the working year,” he said.

Mr McAllister said he organised this event for people to have a great time and support a worthy cause.

“Bloomhill is truly amazing. The Sunshine Coast is so lucky to have such an amazing charity caring for the community and they need our support to continue their important work of assisting people with cancer and their families,” he said.

Tickets to the Christmas Yuletide, from 7pm on Wednesday 23 June, at Headland Golf Club, Golf Links Road, Buderim are $45 per person and available from Bloomhill Cancer Help, 58 Ballinger Road, Buderim or by phoning 5445 5794. Bookings are essential and must be received by 20 June.

New pedigree in Australian yachting winning right out of the gate

StallionMarineLOGOWith the pedigree of a new production racing yacht being built on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast it is no wonder that it is being heralded as having reached a new level of excellence in Australian yacht design.

The 42-foot Stallion RP42 was designed by one of the world’s best race boat designers, Reichel/Pugh Yacht Designs, who also designed yachts like Sydney to Hobart winners, Wild Oats and Alfa Romeo.

Stallion Marine director David Biggar said in fact every aspect of the yacht had been built using the best available components.

“We wanted to build a boat that left no questions unanswered and offered the best of everything,” Mr Biggar said.

“Added to the world-class design pedigree, the mast and rigging is from Southern Spars, and the winches and deck hardware are from Harken.  Both these companies are the best in the world at what they do,” he said.

The Stallion RP42 has a fully infused construction of e-glass and carbon fibre with a foam core.  It is a sleek design with clean decks including a fixed bow sprit, clean cabin top and hidden hallyards with twin carbon fibre wheels.  The interior is clean and minimalist in its style with removable furniture including three double beds.  There is also an option to have a lift keel which reduces the yachts draft and is good when transporting because it allowed it to be lifted from a single point.

Mr Biggar said two of the yachts had already been completed with the two different configurations available, one with full push button hydraulic operation and one optimised for IRC  racing.

“This means the Stallion RP42 offers the flexibility of streamlined shorthand cruising or full racing.”

Mr Biggar said he started Stallion Marine five years ago, beginning with performance catamarans.  The Stallion RP42 is the first single hull yacht to come from the stable.

“The Stallion RP42 design was completed in mid 2009, with the first two boats in the water by April and we are thrilled with the results,” he said.

“In fact thepush button hydraulic boat, Black Jack Too, took out the Queensland IRC State Titles @ the Royal Queensland Yachting Squadron in Brisbane recently – the first race it had competed in.”

Black Jack Too skipper Mark Bradford who has also skippered yachts in the America’s Cup said “I am very happy with the way the boat is performing and we are very surprised with her downwind speed”.

The Stallion RP42 starts from $599,000 for the IRC Optimised Configuration and from $689,000 for the full push-button configuration.  (Prices exclude GST)

For more information on the Stallion RP42including full configuration specs visit, email similar – need to configure an email address for public enquiries), or phone 0422 099 072.

Flexible flats for fatigued feet at Ladies Oaks Day

Cystic Fibrosis logoFlexible, flat, fold-out footwear called Flexi Flats will give ladies with fatigued feet a fashion-forward alternative to painful, sky-high heels at Ladies Oaks Day.

As part of fundraising for the Ladies Oaks Day official charity Cystic Fibrosis Queensland (CFQ) the Flexi Flats, which come in black, silver and pink, will be sold for $15 a pair to raise much needed funds for the organisation while providing a style-savvy, comfortable option to women with sore feet and help avoid the fashion faux pas of bare feet at the racecourse.

The ballet-style Flexi Flats come with a bag so high heels can be stored while wearing the footwear, as well as being able to be folded up into a small, convenient handbag-ready package at the end of the day to be ready for the next fashion feet emergency.

The idea to offer Flexi Flats for sale at the Race Day was the brainchild of three University of the Sunshine Coast students who are coordinating CFQ’s fundraising efforts on the day as part of their Public Relations studies.

One of these students, Samantha Steele said she believed the shoes would be a lifesaver, particularly towards the end of the day.

“Flexi Flats will be heaven sent for sore feet at Ladies Oaks Day. It will be a great option when ladies feel like losing their shoes.  This way they can be comfortable and still look classy with these very fashionable flat footwear on their feet.”

Heel Candy, a cover for stiletto heels which stops them sinking into grass and prevent the damage the grass can cause, will also be available for sale through CFQ for $15 a pair.

Another of the students, Marlise O’Sullivan said the heel candy covers were a great invention.  “Heel Candy are another option for ladies wanting to keep their heels on while still preventing the danger and damage that sinking into the turf can cause.”

Cystic fibrosis is a condition that affects the lungs and digestion of sufferers and requires ongoing treatment. All funds raised will be dedicated to providing vital practical and emotional support to more than 100 families in the Sunshine Coast region living with this insidious and chronic illness.

CFQ will also be collecting donations on the day as well as selling raffle tickets, to be drawn on the day. All funds raised by CFQ will be used to help Queenslanders suffering from cystic fibrosis as well as funding research into the condition.

Ladies Oaks Day is being held on 28th May at Corbould Park at Caloundra with $2 from every entry fee being kindly donated to Cystic Fibrosis Queensland.

Fit and Fabulous Sunshine Coast Pink Ribbon Event

STG logo (purple&pink)Food and health are the passions of Australia’s low-fat cookbook queen Annette Sym and now she is joining forces with women’s fitness expert Jen Forster from Goal Power Training for an inspiring event to raise money for the National Breast Cancer Foundation.

Symply Food, Symply Fit, Symply Pink will be held at the Events Centre @ Maroochy on Tuesday, 22 June with Annette and Jen both sharing their expertise in a night full of ‘symple’ steps towards greater energy, vitality and good health.

Reward yourself and do not miss out on this fun, informative and inspiring event. Tickets are just $20 each, with every cent going to the National Breast Cancer Foundation.

Not only will the event give you the keys to better health and fitness, but will also assist Annette and Jen’s quest to raise $10,000 dollars to help find a cure for breast cancer.

You will learn from the low-fat cooking guru herself with a cooking demonstration and be motivated and inspired by Annette’s weight loss secrets while taste testing samples from her upcoming Symply Too Good To Be True Book 6.

Annette Sym has written the best selling Symply Too Good To Be True Books 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 which has helped thousands of people to win their weight loss battle. Learn her tips and secrets at this event about how you can indulge without the guilt.

“The ‘Symply Food, Symply Fit, Symply Pink’ event will give everyone the opportunity to access valuable insights into the world of health and wellness. All of which will ultimately show you ways to take a hold of your life and embrace its challenges”.

“Breast Cancer has touched the hearts of many of us. That is why I am excited to join forces with Jen Forster for a night full of food, fitness and fun to support a great cause,” Annette said.

Jen Forster from Goal Power Training will also share her fitness training tips and show you how easy it is to train effectively at home. Known as the ‘women’s health expert’, Jen has the passion and experience to show women how they can discover a new ‘normal’ for life! Goal Power Training will give everyone who attends a take home ‘no weights necessary’ training program.

“When my sister, Michelle, was diagnosed with breast cancer on her 39th Birthday, I realised that we can either sit back and wait for a cure or we can get off our butts and make it happen! Come and join Annette and myself at our ‘Symply Food, Symply Fit, Symply Pink’ event – and help us raise money for the National Breast Cancer Foundation to find the cure.  You’ll not only be helping yourself, you will helping so many others too,” Jen said.

Buy your ticket soon as the first 100 to book will receive a fantastic gift bag jam packed with food and fitness goodies and so much more. Everyone attending the event will also go in the draw to win a ‘major mystery prize’.

Book your tickets online at The event will run from 6:30pm till 9:30pm.  For further information contact Jen Forster on 0403 236 783 or email her at

USC students off and racing to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis Queensland

the girlsA trio of University of the Sunshine Coast public relations students aim to raise $10,000 for Cystic Fibrosis Queensland (CFQ) at the Ladies Oakes Day at Corbould Park on Friday 28 May.

The three students, Karis Howard, Marlise O’Sullivan and Samantha Steele, with group mentor Michelle Smytheman, from Reflected Image PRoductions, hope to use the day to raise awareness and much-needed funds for the Sunshine Coast branch of CFQ.  It was nominated by Hot 91 as the official beneficiary of the day. Two dollars from every entry ticket sold will be donated.

The students have been working since February to plan events for the day including a monster raffle and merchandise stand, which will include CFQ products.

Karis Howard said she was excited to put theory from her degree into practice, particularly when it is for such a worthy cause.

Marlise O’Sullivan believes the work the team is doing throughout the subject is going to give them edge when they enter the workforce.

“This PR subject gives you great practical experience because we get to organise a major fundraiser at an event like Ladies Oaks Day,” said Miss O’Sullivan.

Cystic Fibrosis is a condition that affects the lungs and digestive system of sufferers. At this time there is no cure for the condition.  Funds raised for CFQ contribute to research of Cystic Fibrosis which helps find new treatments and aims to find a cure.

CFQ provides support to people with Cystic Fibrosis and their families which include medical equipment, counselling, accommodation and education.

Already the students have held a warm up sausage sizzle at the University of the Sunshien Coast Uni Club on Wednesday 12 May where sausages were sold for a gold coin donation, thanks to the support of Mick’s Meat Barn.  Funds raised from this warm-up event will contribute to the students’ $10,000 goal and help recruit volunteers for Ladies Oaks Day activities.

A Facebook page “Reflected Image Roses generating awareness for Cystic Fibrosis Queensland” has also  been established to help raise awareness of the organisation and promote CFQ’s presence at Ladies Oaks Day.

For more information on Cystic Fibrosis and Cystic Fibrosis Queensland visit

Handylocals becomes a Sunshine Coast local

innovation centre logoDriven by the lifestyle desires of husband and wife Directors, Zane and Carey-Ann Wood, Handylocals have moved their headquarters to the University of the Sunshine Coast’s Innovation Centre.

An online company with the potential to be based anywhere in the world, the decision to locate Handylocals on the Sunshine Coast was an easy one.

“There was never any question of choosing to locate to the Sunshine Coast. We visited Australia Zoo on a holiday a few years ago and knew this is where we wanted to live,” owner Zane Wood said.

“The one thing that stood out above all else is no matter who we spoke to – everyone loved living here. The Sunshine Coast offers absolutely everything in a neat, beautiful package,” Mr Wood added.

Based on a UK business model that has achieved phenomenal growth over the last 5 years, Handylocals provides marketing solutions to small and medium sized businesses to help them capture the local market.

Mr Wood said with most business receiving up to 80% of their income from the local community, Handylocals concentrated on helping their members capture this audience.

“Our point of difference is we promote only three businesses within an area. We market our clients extensively on and offline in the community through the exclusive use of the Handylocals brand.”

Innovation Centre Entrepreneur-in-Residence Nigel Hall said “Handylocals has a great business model, offering the top three recommended businesses in the region the opportunity to replace the costly yellow pages as their main source of leads, with a minimum annual spend.”

“My main concern was that there was no way they could provide so much value for $248 per year, but having crunched the numbers with them, it’s possible!”

“The value of their service is highly visible, it gives SME’s access to internet advertising such as Facebook, Google and Twitter, as well as more traditional media such as radio,” Nigel added.

The Innovation Centre’s ideal position on the edge of the USC campus, along with access to an attractive package of business services were major drawcards for Handylocals.

“With fantastic resources such as networking, technology, mentoring and a community of thriving, local businesses, the Innovation Centre was our first choice as a base for our business,” Zane Wood commented.

“In our line of work, being up to date with technological advances and consumer trends is a necessity. The University is a thriving community representing the future on the Sunshine Coast.”

To find out more about Handylocals visit For more information on the Innovation Centre Sunshine Coast visit

Campus view more valuable than Harbour view

innovation centre logoLocating offices in what will be Australia’s most dynamic University Town is far more valuable for business than plush offices with a harbour view, according to Innovation Centre Sunshine Coast CEO Colin Graham.

Mr Graham said the University of the Sunshine Coast’s Innovation Centre housed over 30 businesses which proved that statement, with all taking advantage of the benefits that the location brought, including access to student talent and training, dedicated high-speed internet connection and of course the lifestyle benefits of the beautiful Sunshine Coast.

Now, a rare opportunity exists for companies wanting to join these high-growth businesses from the Clean Tech, Digital and Creative industry sectors with some of the best office locations in the building becoming available.

Described at the United Nations of Innovation because of the diverse and vast experience of the over 150 people working there, the Innovation Centre offers companies the opportunity to be a part of a collaborative environment.

“With a wealth of experience and talent all under one roof, businesses are able to build complementary and beneficial business relationships with other companies at the Centre,” Mr Graham said.

“Our connection with the University of the Coast provides companies with the opportunity to benefit from the University’s dynamic and creative campus environment. This campus location also makes it easy for businesses to tap into talent via student internships and graduate recruitment.

“The Innovation Centre is a prospering community of like-minded business. There is a wealth of experience and knowledge that can be gain through simply having your business located here and it is at the hub of the new multi-million dollar Sunshine Coast Business and Technology Precinct, an area being developed around the University that will bring greater economic diversity to the region.

“Internationally, clusters of businesses have grown around Universities – such as Silicon Valley out of Stanford University and the technology cluster around Cambridge in England.  Many big companies – such as Microsoft and Apple – also describe their headquarters as a campus reflecting a dynamic, young community feeling and culture.  We are helping to build Australia’s first university town and a campus location is very attractive to many businesses,” he said.

Mr Graham said just one of the businesses recognising the potential of the campus view was dtb! Advertising, which late last year relocated its offices from a picturesque location at Cotton Tree where their offices had a 180-degree water view.

After several years at that location, dtb! Managing Director Michael Molloy said the move to the Innovation Centre had been great for business.

“Being here has generated a lot of new work for us.  The collaborative environment and the collocation of other complementary businesses means we have also developed some strong business alliances,” he said.

dtb! Advertising have also already employed three University of the Sunshine Coast graduates to join their team and are participating in work experience and internship programs with the University.

With an occupancy level of more than 70% the Innovation Centre currently has its last few vacancies available for suitable tenants including:

  • The Anchor Tenant space – 289m2 located upstairs with views looking over a nature reserve to the University campus
  • 109m m2 located upstairs
  • 1842 ground floor space including three offices of 69m2, 82m2, and 33m2

For more information visit the Innovation Centre website at or call 07 5450 2600.

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